Come home

Come home

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I was just visiting my Dad and half siblings up on the Oregon coast, beautiful place. I really hope it doesn't turn into the new Cali coast

does this actually work? or is it just a white flight destination that'll eventually get cancelled like how orania seems to be heading towards?

Fuck OFF

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Could you make yourself anymore identifiable?

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Probably not, I can also stop when I want.

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Strategic relocation works

Start a new Butler Plan organization when the NWF closes at the end of this month. Don't let the dream die.

Am i gonna just move somewhere randomly in Idaho, fisting myself in the woods, or are there specific spots you have in mind?

>Am i gonna just move somewhere randomly in Idaho, fisting myself in the woods, or are there specific spots you have in mind?
Move to where you can in the Pacific Northwest. Then meet up with local pro-Whites. Become friends. That's all you need to do.

Isn't it all burnt down?

i love living next door to white liberals

Also if I ever make "fuck you" money, I'm moving to Kalispell, Montana.

Have barely even thought of this since HAC died. Remember his podcast with the annoying librarian bitch going off on boring shit, and a few other autistics and morons? I swear he was the glue holding that shit together.

me and my whole extended family were supposed to move down before covid. Sick of BC

Local pro white groups? Wouldn't they just be all glow niggers, untermensches, and land whale women - if there's even any there at all?

>Local pro white groups?
I didn't say pro-White groups. I said pro-White people.

>Wouldn't they just be all glow niggers, untermensches, and land whale women - if there's even any there at all?
Because doing anything IRL, even legal stuff is a honeypot, right?

I mean how are you going to contribute to the preservation of the white race when you think meeting with a pro-White person IRL will get you throw into prison for the crime of meeting someone IRL?

the cascades are nice but the eastern half of washington and oregon are up there on the worst places in America. very few roads, people mostly live in double wides along major highways, forests arent maintained despite armies of forest rangers (who all have a chip on their shoulder because theyre paid shit), and generally jealous assholes who try to keep everyone out. when plant based meats become more popular their entire economies outside of tech will collapse because its all meat farming or industries to support it. leavenworth is really cringe.

jump into the ocean

user, you know the group disbanded right?

>user, you know the group disbanded right?
The Butler Plan is still viable.

The Butler Plan was not the NWF.

And the NWF technically still exists...until October 1

Some of the NPC liberal girls are pretty hot I rather bang hot college girl pussy and let it slowly sink in what I am with them either not confronting me and tacitly going along or making room for a new piece. Face it, hot girls come the high estrogen left and attractive men come from that high testosterone right

>Some of the NPC liberal girls are pretty hot I rather bang hot college girl pussy and let it slowly sink in what I am with them either not confronting me and tacitly going along or making room for a new piece. Face it, hot girls come the high estrogen left and attractive men come from that high testosterone right

>Face it, hot girls come the high estrogen left and attractive men come from that high testosterone right

AAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit the biological illiteracy of Zig Forumsfaggots on FULL display.

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>tfw no PNW white ethnostate
why even live bros.

>why even live bros.
To create the PNW White Ethnostate out of the ashes?

Pre-pubescent boy with a MAGA hat lol

Pic related it’s me. I routinely pound basic bitch, (white), SJW gash by lying about my politics or not mentioning it. It’s a fact that an outright white nationalist is going to get the used up busted welfare queen with 4 out of wedlock kids living on welfare in fucking South Dakota

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only if we can have trans SS officers that execute non-white things like Christianity and non-white "people".

So what you're talking about is continuing to retreat until we're backed into a corner? Go on...


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>So what you're talking about is continuing to retreat until we're backed into a corner? Go on...
Strategic re-location. It's not running away from something it's running to something.

It's also reducing the problem to a manageable solution.

Basically, the continent and nation doesn't matter, the White race matters.

So what after relocation? Fight the whole world from the land of 1/50 a larger nation against the world? It might be fine for some generations, but it can't last. This seems like a boomer solution of "at least we're happy now; it's the next generation's problem later". Not that I don't sympathize.