Let's reminisce. Post your favorite video from 2016
Also, can any user help me sauce the videos that used the Call of Duty no-scope meme?
Let's reminisce. Post your favorite video from 2016
Also, can any user help me sauce the videos that used the Call of Duty no-scope meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
>has to go back four years
>because there is nothing current
haha thanks user. I can't believe they actually tried to get that cunt elected.
lol ok
btw I was talking about the "Can't Stump the Trump" series.
LOL, they are still talking about Hillary 4 years later.
we can see how hopeless their attempts are, Drumpf had 4 years to proof himself and failed, maybe it's some reverse psychology shilling to paint the common Drumpf voter as obnoxious as it gets?
This song still reminds me of election night. Was listening to it for like three hours straight in the background, drunk.
What I miss the most, though, are the Republican debate greentexts. There were some good ones in late 2015, early 2016. Haven't seen anything comparable for 2020.
Oh man, the hangover I had on Wednesday was the worst but worth it, I passed out listening to this damn song and just cracked up the entire time.
If he does it again, I hope the mods embed the same video in November. Want to relive that night
And she still puts in her two cents like she's still relevant. lol pathetic bitch.
oh shit, yeah those were hilarious. you have any screen caps?
The user that changed history
I just want that memetic energy that surrounded 2016 again bros
There was a YouTube video about trumps debate method I'm trying to find for ages, it had trump not doing rnc debate and streaming his own during it, there was animations of him on a robotic podium. It's kind of like "the world's greatest troll" video.
You seen it?
LISTEN UP, we're going to make Biden say NIGGER using MAGIC. If you're from reddit and aren't aware of the occult power of Zig Forums then FUCK OFF.
Whenever you feel like it, whatever you're doing, just REMEMBER THAT TIME JOE BIDEN SAID NIGGER IN THE FIRST DEBATE. Don't try and will it to happen, don't imagine it happening. JUST REMEMBER THE TIME IT HAPPENED.
Remember the scintillating flood of dopamine as it rushed through your entire body, remember the surge of delight you felt when you rushed to Zig Forums and there were already twenty threads in the catalogue, remember how you missed a whole night of sleep because the memes were so red hot you couldn't have slept anyway. Ring a bell? I remember it. Trump just kept baiting him until he snapped, he thought he was back in the 80s and then wondered what the fuck he was doing on stage and why his pants were wet. And then he said it, NIGGER. And a second later they just cut the fucking feed.
remember the psychic orgasm you had as a hundred thousand jews kvetched to Moloch, when 41% became 91%. Remember when you realised EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE JUST GREAT.
Just let yourself feel it user, relive that shit, then just let it go, go back to whatever you were doing. It is done.
wasn't 2016 fun, guys?
The memes were fresh, we seemed to have a candidate on our side, and things were looking good.
Then Trump exclusively hired never-trumpers, used his liberal daughter and son-in-law as advisors, and fell for every trap and trick the deepstate threw at him while never once going on the attack.
He made compromises with the enemy where they get what they want upfront, and trump hopes they'll help him later (they won't).
No president has done a worse job of getting shit done. It's just been one failure after another.
>muh 2016!
>muh meme magic!
fuck off jews
and the alternative is stalin level communism
>the other choice is worse!
By design. Trump is one of them, dude. You're not actually avoiding the results of a biden presidency because we'll get most of those results with trump.
All trump had to do is not be absolute dogshit and he could've gotten 55% of the vote, but no, he had to be controlled opposition making sure both parties become as bad as possible
lol legendary
Can't vote, don't matter lol
Feels bro. 2016 was HIGH ENERGY but I think it's because he was just so different from everyone else in the field. Now he's the incumbent and it doesn't feel like he's the rebel anymore
gave me chills user. thanks
>illegal immigration down
>wall being built
>tax cuts
>no war in Syria or Iran
you were saying?
>fuck off jews
lol nice try shlomo
honestly this. I'll take Trump over anyone in the new Democrat party
>That's a disgrace Joe. A disgrace.
Do you feel the energy guys?
>illegal immigration down
Its higher than deportations, meaning we are still adding illegals
3 miles of new fence where we didn't already have a fence. THREE MILES of fence expansion after 3.5 years
>tax cuts
I don't give a shit about tax cuts. I care about the promises he made that actually makes a difference in saving America.
Taxes could be reduced to 0, and you'd be okay with full-on globo-homo and forced tranny pills for kids, and censorship of conservatives, and discrimination of whites ALL BECAUSE YOUR TAXES ARE ZERO.
You would be ok with the devil himself ruling america as long as your taxes are 0.
Sorry, greedy boomer, your money will be worthless in the kind of country Trump has in mind for us
Sorry, Zion Don was a forced meme that's run it's course
>Trump is swarmed by enthusiastic reporters
>Rand chats casually with his family
>Carson is wheeled away with an oxygen mask
>Christie goes out back where his wife is waiting with three double cheeseburgers
>Cruz and Rubio shake hands with a smattering of supporters, smiling politely
>Carly Fiorina sips water from a dish in the hall
>Glasses of champaigne are handed out
>Cruz pipes up: “You know, I just want to say, you all did great out there. I’m really proud of this party. I wish you all peace and happiness over the holidays.”
>Rand: “Yeah, Merry Christmas everyone! I look forward to locking horns again in the new year!”
>Carly wags her tails affectionately
>Rubio: “Hey, where’s Jeb?”
>Trump: “I saw him head straight to his dressing room after the debate.”
>Rand: “I hope he’s alright.”
>Jeb: “So you want chaos? I’ll give you chaos.”
>Jeb loads up his revolver and flees the room, returning to backstage.
>He pushes through the crowd of candidates, straight for Trump
>He raises the gun to Trump’s forehead.
>Jeb: “You call this low-energy?”
>Trump smirks dismissively.
>Jeb: “You think I won’t do it?”
>Trump: “I don’t doubt you’re willing to pull the trigger…”
>Jeb pulls back the hammer
>Trump: “ ‘cause I know you’re a tough guy.”
>Jeb's face drops. He lowers the revolver, shakes his head, and puts it to his own temple and pulls the trigger.
Fast forward to Fox and Friends the next morning discussing the incident with Trump:
>Trump: “I said it from the beginning, he was a weak candidate. His murder attempt was a disaster. The only thing he did well was suicide.”
the meme magic really abandoned you goys
Has this been posted yet?
The World’s Greatest Troll. Trump tearing the shit out of everybody.
Why is the magic weaker this year bros? I miss 2016...
2016 was a good year guys. Fuck 2020.
take me back.
Hello fellow based user who included nigger password. You swayed me
Holy fuck America got trashed in four years.
>no trump can't win montage
I really dont. The 2016 energy was once in a century.
The platforms have taken us down. We can't make these types of videos anymore, nor can we even organize a protest without being destroyed financially. Trump's betrayal of literally everyone except Israel has frustrated everyone and we just don't have anyone that could support us. I wish Trump was Hitler, because he would have fucking cleaned up the country by now and gave us purpose. As it is right now, Trump doesn't care about anyone and he tossed his former supporters down the drain. I was one of the leaders for "Students for Trump" for over an entire fucking state, yet when communists went out of their way to defame us, financially destroy us, target our homes and families, Trump was silent and did nothing. This didn't even go away when I stepped down, and instead they continued to target myself and my friends until they were bored.
>Why didn't you fight back
We knew that if we fought in any way, the police would throw us in prison for years. Just look at how fucking Cantwell (Fuck that fed btw) was thrown in prison for doxxing someone, something that leftists do on a daily fucking basis. Trump let his own most fanatical supporters be destroyed until there was nothing left.