The Fate of Belgium

This needs to be decided,

Who annexes Belgium? Will it be France or Netherlands?

If a Belgian themselves had to choose, which would they rather be ruled over?

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Hungary, obviously.

we can take it, it almost sounds like belarus

Dutch area to the Dutch
French area to the French
German area to the Germans

Give it to the Austrians

HAH, you belong to Austria. Why would Belgium be subservient to an inferior nation like Hungary?

I hate almost everything about this country

>German area to the Germans
There's no relevant german part of belgium.

Luxembourg takes the Luxembourg province.

Belgium should kick out the frogniggers that vote the country into hell.

what makes you think that the dutchniggers are not doing the same exact thing?

Also Brussels either goes to France or gets nuked

no thanks.
give it all to the dutch to create the Greater Netherlands

My friend, Brussels is so infested that it is better to nuke it for the common good.


The Belgae were the inhabitants of the northernmost part of Gaul, which was significantly bigger than modern Belgium. Caesar used the word "Belgium" once, to refer to their region. My country has more value and history than all your shit hole countries combined.

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>seething n*tionalists
belgium annexes greater luxembourg region, ripoaria, limburg, rest of brabant and rest of flanders

now say that to me in belgian.

Still, Caesar described the Galica Belgae as an alliance between Gaulish and Germanic tribes not living together...
Nothing had changed during these 2000 years, except that you do not fight together but each other.
That why you should gib back the Luxembourg province.

And gib the beef too.

You're country is literally a retirement home for rich French boomers.


Nope, French boomers retire in Portugal for the tax break and the sun.
All the cross border worker GTFO of here when they retire, too expensive and bad weather...

So if it's too expensive, why do Luxembourg natives stay in their country?

Independant but close relations with the dutch.

Flanders needs to go it alone.
I'd prefer that over the netherlands since if we join the dutch we'd get stuck with a globohomo government.

.t flemish.

Grand Duchy of Luxembourg annexes both Belgium and the Netherlands and forms the United Kingdom of the Benelux.

nuke brussels and wallonia

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Some can't, they go live if France, Belgium or Germany.
Young people staying here either live with their parent or are from rich families that profited from the real estate madness this courty have since 15 year, by multiplying the price of any cuckshed by 5.
I will myself have to buy my own house on the border, I will not pay 1 milion for a fucking 75m2 "house" built in 1950.
Can have a mac mansion with a pool for half the price on the border in France or Germany

why not both

Reminder that Britain is just a fiefdom of Normandy, which is just a vassal of the French throne.

And before that they were cucks to the Germans.

And before that they were cucks to the Romans.

When your country's history is being cucked by literally everyone else and then bullying India and Africa to vent your impotent rage then you can't really talk. Has Britain ever fought a 1 vs 1 land war with another major European power and won? Like in all of its history?

Do you have a good job and life, what sort of salary?

For the Grand Duke !

We don't really want it, Brabanders are bad enough.

Anglo-French War-(1412-1420) -Henry V invaded France, with the goal of taking the French crown. The English won the Battle of Agincourt. The French king agreed to peace a few years later, and the Treaty of Troyes ended this phase of the war in 1420.

Hahaha, you sound so bitter.

De Belhn warn de bweuners vant noordn van Halje, wuk e stuk grodder wo dant Belhje van vandoage. Cesare gebruktige twoord Belhje eki om na die regio te verwiezn. Mien land et meer woarde en heschiednis dan al junder stroentlanden tope.

Vlad baited you to speak Dutch, and it worked!