Every wonder why you feel so tired after cooming? Semen is your life force. You need to retain your semen / abstain from masturbation to reach your full potential. Masturbation drains your life force and drains your Sacred Secretion. This life force and Sacred Secretion comes in the form of many chemicals inside your brain. Masturbating basically turns you into a pussy and a faggot. Now is the time to start preparing for Nofap November and hopefully you can end any addiction to masturbation or pornography which is one of the most degenerate things in this Universe.
Nofap November is coming up
fapping is natural, grow up
>less brain fog
i did nofap for a few months and discovered that so called brain fog was the only thing protecting me from the despair of seeing reality clearly
back to the facesitting pics of r34 for me
No fap is a fucking joke LMAO. When my gf visits her family I don’t jerk off and when she gets back I last a minute in bed.
Semen retention is a joke too, it makes you distracted and horny, plus it gives you the urge to have sex with women who aren’t worth it. Plus why would I not have sex with my hot ass girlfriend? For some imaginary placebo?
I've been on nofap for just under a year.
Natural for who? Its natural for faggots who don't want to be very productive or happy in their lives.
Anti-nofappers remind me so much of athiests. They go after nofappers like rabid dogs in much the same way athiests go after Christians
It's not just quitting masturbating but also smoking drinking drugs caffeine, exercising regularly, and setting a sleep schedule
Yes it works.
Nofap is about porn addiction.
Porn is not natural
>Semen is your life force
Then do you drink it? If not, why are you not taking more life force?
Tell me genuine benefits if any
Then it's not nofap surely, it's no porn?
>smoking drinking drugs caffeine
Don't project your addictive personality onto everyone. Some of us can handle a cup of coffee and a smoke.
Your grammar is horrible and distracts from your valid points.
Any kind of lifestyle change that reconditions a persons brain is going to have its cheerleaders.
Fasting and NoFap are prime examples.
Should you fast?
Yes and no, it depends.
Should you not fap?
Yes and no, it depends.
Don't jump into these changes expecting to ascend to a higher level of life.
If you're a glutton, indulging in refined carbs on a daily basis and carrying extra weight, you should fast.
If you indulge in jacking off multiple times a day and watch porn every day, you shouldn't fap.
t. The Perpetually In Denial Caffoomer
Hardly any except I expect a much bigger load next time I do it which is probably not going to be any time soon.
It didnt help me with socializing. It didnt help with testosterone, not that I could feel anyway. I do it because of chastity at this point. The bigger benefit came from not watching porn, mostly psychologically by knowing I have the discipline to not let it rot my brain.
>beating your meat several times a day to hardcore pornography is natural
Anyone in here discrediting nofap right away I can 100% assure has never even reached past 1 week of no fap. Retarded faggots who live in their basements jerking it 4 times a day.
You are contradicting yourself.
>hardly any benefits
>porn rots my brain
I'd say that's a pretty big benefit right there. Not having your brain rotting.
I always thought these threads were full of shit, after nofap its helped lots of issues in my body, particularly inflammation.
is it still bad if i cut out actual porn videos and websites? i just google pictures of naked woman and jerk off but try not to cum unless with woman
If you dont use it you lose it. You are psychologically castrating yourself
Why do incels believe in this shit
So have more white babies, but also never coom again. Got it, retard.
No it isn't lol
kek they don't want to give up their precious pornography and their coom that makes them feel good for 2 seconds twice a day because they dont realize no fap basically makes you feel great because it retains all of that seratonin, dopamine, etc in your brain making you feel good all the time. pornography is a jewish trick. go look at the pornography companies. they are literally all owned by jews.
>but my local rabbi told me masturbating is normal.
>using the word "coom" in your post
Imagine every fucking thought and action revolving around wamen.
Where did he mention porn, or frequency? If you're arguing for nofap, you have to show that masturbation is categorically bad, not that some specific example of masturbation is.
>not touching my penis will change my life
LMAO at this delusion
it's science not incel bullshit. Semen contains all kinds of zinc and other shit your body needs. cooming literally lowers your immune system. Then add in all the fuckery from dopamine in your brain.
One month on nofap. Literally no results. I just got more time I suppose.
>pic related
>Semen contains all kinds of zinc and other shit your body needs.
Just eat your semen after fapping
I made the clear distinction between fapping and porn, monsieur mutt
I'm as close to an incel as it gets. I have nothing to lose sexually.
Yeah exactly and theres shit like your Sacred Secretion it fucks with that too.
Fuck NoFap I unironically did six months one time and didn't shit happen. I will nut twice a day in November and send fap energy to all of you.
>Every wonder why you feel so tired after cooming? Semen is your life force. You need to retain your semen / abstain from masturbation to reach your full potential. Masturbation drains your life force and drains your Sacred Secretion.
Why do you nofap retards seem to think that the essence of your precious bodily fluids is only lost during masturbation and not sex?
I think he's just trying to precise that the benefit is from lack of porn vs lack of fapping.
This turns you gay
This is fucking retarded. Did you forget?
Day 70: Have a wet dream and blow your load anyways
Masturbation is bad mentally, It's been considered a sin for decades but only recently cause our nations have turned into a fucking Weimar 2.0 its encouraged because "muh prostate cancerino" and shieeet. >kike lie.
Also, feeling the need to constantly get a dopamine high from porn and fapping is addictive and fapping overall is degenerate especially to porn.
This, it's the exact same thing lol
I see right through your post Moshe Shekelstein
When you have sex you are transferring energy not busting it into a sock.
yes masturbating lile twice a week to no porn is natural. not our fault youre an addicted coombrain
no youre just a dick obscuring the truth about all of this I will blow up China if I have to
>high interest from women
thanks, i'll pass
> nofap reduces inflammation
Tell me more, please. Where, how, why?
iirc, caffeine also fucks with dopamine. Have you ever tried giving up caffeine? What results?
nofap is easily the most successful psyop to ever hit Zig Forums. Unbelievable how easily you retards can be manipulated into thinking your problems are caused by touching your dicks.
Just FYI it was the mormons that baited you into this because they wanted to "save your souls" lmao
t. high interest in mens buttholes
I'm over 90 days of nofap. So far so good, life has not dramatically improved, but I feel better than I did when I was a coomer. After the first couple weeks it's not even hard. Although, drugs affect me more strongly as do other degenerate behaviors
I though hitler removed all the jews from austria?
It does that for a while, but after a month or more of nofap your standards rise incredibly. I am so disgusted with some of the pigs I fucked in the past
No one said Nofap would randomly fix a miserable persons life but It would improve It If you actually combine It with other improving elements into your daily life. Just because you yourself is a lazy nigger, doesn't mean another guy trying It won't change other stuff that comes along with NoFap. For example : starting to work out, focus more on health / hygiene etc.
>Have you ever tried giving up caffeine? What results?
Nothing. I've gone the past two weeks on about four cups after drinking a dozen plus a day. I don't go through withdrawals and I will pick up and stop drinking heavily at will.
>No one said Nofap would randomly fix a miserable persons life
did you even look at the OP? That's literally what it says
>Every wonder why you feel so tired after cooming?
No because i don't
>transferring energy not busting it into a sock
Sure, but it's still energy leaving your body. Ergo, the impacts should be the same. Unless you're going to claim that what is bad about masturbation isn't the loss of semen, but rather the receptacle, in which case you admit that semen retention is bullshit.