What does 4chann think of antidepressants?
Antidepressants Chat
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It's made by jews. Jews gets you depressed through media and gets your money by drugs
I don't like the idea of going on anti-depressants.
If I'm depressed, masking it isn't going to do anything about the underlying things causing my depression.
The leading cause of depression is not taking antidepressants.
Depends on the severity of the case. Most people are full of shit when it comes to their “depression.” There are few who are born at a severe disadvantage when it comes to feeling happiness, purpose, love, excitement, motivation, etc.
They lobotomize you basically. Have fun never having an orgasm and feeling like a zombie. Fuck kike doctors that prescribe this
Prozac. A flouride bearing molicule. So you can be stupid dumb and robbed of your nation while depressed.
They cause permanent brain damage. it's a type of eugenics. God doesn't approve of any of this. Justice is coming.
i can't take them, they make me hear things lol
Subjugation tools used the weak designed to waste money and reduce emotions and happiness for the sake of less lows. Inferior to other drugs that increase motivation or heal neurological pathways like psilosybin
Always did more harm then good for me. Long term they will fuck up your brain chem. Alternatives like working out have always worked better for me with less complications. I think its a part of the larger problem of fucking with people without understanding the effects.
Have a friend that has a nice job, no addictions, wife, seemingly fulfilling life. Was suicidal/depressed for years. Apparently good diet, worked out, plenty of hobbies. Tried to kill himself twice. Once on train tracks but was pulled away, another time with a motorcycle running in a closed garage. Got some meds for about 2 years now and he hasn't had an episode yet.
are you depressed ?
therapy with a psychiatrist + psychologist = 80% efficiency.
Just taking drugs will not solve the problem you will have to both treat the chem imbalance and rewire your brain.
I make about 350k and can retire in 3-4 years. I despise everything about my job, but it makes sense to work another 3-4 years and then retire to some South American beach at 40. I would have cracked up last year if not for the pills.
I am generally disgusted by what is taking place in the West, but I have no control over it, other than voting. Violence would be counterproductive at this stage.
they should only ever be used in the most extreme cases and the person should be pulled off of them as soon as they can get established in EMDR therapy. EMDR therapy is much more effective, works quicker and nearly always results in a permanent end to negative feelings.
> "chem imbalance"
implying getting depressed from this shitty world is a "mistake"
> have been depressed last yr Nov - ~2 months ago, no antidepressants, no psychologist - work on improving your situation
interesting situation, care to elaborate more user?
>Every young, male shooter that has gone on a killing spree in the United States also has a history of treatment with psychotropic drugs… It was only after psychiatric medicine started targeting young people with mind-altering medications that we witnessed this explosion in violence.
To this day, researchers still don't know how they work in alleviating depression. The current big brain theory is that due to blocking re-uptake, brain plasticity comes into play and tries to adapt to the poison, oh I mean, drug which causes a sort of therapeutic effect. It can "explain" why they can make you feel worse when you begin taking them, according to them but in my opinion, this explanation is reaching too far out there. They are so understudied that its no wonder that they can have really bizarre effects like inducing bipolar mania on someone who never had it before, among other things as well. Its basically a gamble with these drugs and depending on the person, they can leave you in an even worse state than before. It's a reason why they have the black box warning. Stay away if you can.
Should be avoided.
Is that a fucking merchant?
I've witnessed a person on both SSRIs and Adderal become manic, irrational and self-destructive. Although it's basically the same if they were taking meth and SSRIs, these drugs have poor interactions and further lead to mental entropy.
shit, I wish -- could make a lot more money!
Anyone taking antidepressants should literally kill themselves. Falling for the Pharmajew.
Just weaned myself cold turkey off antidepressants I had been on for years. Have been depressed my entire life, get zero enjoyment from anything. But I would still rather be depressed than be the fake person SSRIs made me. The most recent one started making my hair fall out and felt like I’d just smoked crack or something.
To me, they either make you so tired or so wired you just can’t be sad, depending on the medicine.
What they did help me with is show me how NOT to be depressed. You start getting used to this weird new life of not being a sad cunt all the fucking time, so you can then act that way normally.
I still struggle at trying to be happy but I can’t be depressed anymore. You must raise your mental resiliency and sometimes you should be depressed. My life sucked for a long time but is mostly better now, not that that changes your mind but it helps to be grateful. It’s hard to be grateful and depressed at the same time. Anyway long story short I strongly recommend against antidepressants even if you are extremely depressed. If you’re going through an extremely hard time a low dose of Xanax can stop panic attacks.
Venlafaxine pretty much made my life livable. I'd been through citalopram which gave me severe and constant anxiety, duloxetine which made me feel detached from life (and gave me the worst withdrawal effects I've ever had, lasted 2 weeks), mirtazipine which only helped me get drunk, propranolol which was useful but only minimally, diazepam which was lovely but addiction-forming, and sertraline which worked for a time until it didn't (and increasing doses lead me to such a high dose that I had sleep paralysis, hallucinations, and dissociation.)
I had also tried CBT and counselling, but found CBT to be only helpful for a short time once (and it may have helped trigger a manic episode), and counselling to be utterly pointless. I dont want to waste time talking about how shit I feel and reflecting on it, and I know when I'm depressed, I've gotten rather good at it.
All of that was because every year I'd go through weeks to months of feeling utterly worthless and hollow, with nothing to have triggered it. It ruined relationships, I had to drop out of university, my employment record has a 10-year gap, I've been homeless twice, and I've struggled with controlling my drinking.
Now, I'm less out of control, and I dont spiral down when an episode is coming on.
>diagnosed with major depressive disorder in 2007
>intermittent engagement with doctors until 2017
Withdrawal from venlafaxine is pretty rough, and side effects have been odd, but out of everything it has helped most. Wouldn't recommend it unless you've been in and out of depression though, and are going through it again.
Don't be a fool
They dont work if the patient does not change their behaviour. They are actually pretty harmful in these instances, in my opinion.
Before you go down the antidepressant road make sure you rule out expected causes of depression. Vitamin D, vitamin B12 and magnesium deficiencies can cause depression as can lack of sleep. Low testosterone can too. Maybe instead of an antidepressant you need to go jog in the sunlight and take an Epson salt (magnesium) bath.
Creates school shooter's
They are temporary measures at best, but they will make you weak. I have seen folks with serious emotional issues conquer their problems without the chemicaljew and have said they are happier for it and the discipline they gained than the side effects and dependence of/on a pill.