> have election
> biggest winners are 2 right / centrumright parties
> none of the other parties are happy about this
> takes over 600 days to form a new government
> country is now run by a coalition consisting of SEVEN parties
> the two parties with the most votes are not part of this coalition
> prime minister comes from the 7th largest party.
> half of the ministers are literally whos or weren't even on the voting list
it's just all so tiresome
have election
what a joke constitution you have there to allow that crap
That's what you get for not being part of Germany.
Remeber kids just be a real country to don't end like this
you forgot to mention that previous (interim) prime minister was a jew
Can't you just hand one part of your country over to Swampgermany, and the other one to Baguettistan?
Also one of your ministers is a transgenda lol
the whole country is a joke
trust me, it's better for them. Germany is going down the drain
Can Bavaria and Austria unify?
Romania sounds like a fucking joke. But then again at least you don't get too many immigrants
Yeah, but you'll come back stronger once you get rid of Merkel and start expelling Jews again. Then Belgium can be your Atlantic coast.
>have a shitskin and faggot as ministers
>put waving lgbt flag next to every single town who have poles to celebrate this degenerate behavior
>"sanitair cordon" is an unconstitutional whinning scam to hijack parties considered right wing threat, or whatever that supposed to means
>parity elect representatives because vagina
walloon here, vlaams belangs got my vote for the next election, I had enought i want to see this fucking tranny pedophile hanging or with a bullet in his deranged mind
Don't really give a shit about Belgians but are the doggos still safe?
Not to mention, one of the ministers of the green party is a deranged tranny,
This non-country is a complete joke,
Kikes, tranny's, faggots ,freemasons,sandniggers not one of the ministers is normal
Why don't you just invade your neighbors?
of the green party and in charge of energy no less. we're gonna get rid of nuclear and build a ton of gas plants to compensate. who'll pay for it? who knows
Geen spatie tussen '>' en je eerste letter jeroen
Even HRT couldn't save him from looking Belgian. Sad!
What the FUCK is going on there then? Why the FUCK haven't you revolted or done something about it?
Without guns, people aren't citizens, they are subjects
I know lad. But what the FUCK anyway?? Telling the two biggest parties of the election and their voters that they don't matter would surely lead to some anger, right? Was there any at all? Or did they just bite the bullet and say OK?
This is why parliamentary systems are even more retarded than a 2 party republic, which is itself dangerously retarded.
Does the average waffle-faggot think this is fair?
Do you think that this was caused by compulsory voting? Do you agree with compulsory voting?
People are getting really angry,
I know a lot normies who turned completely 14/88 in a mather of months
A normie cousin of mine who used to vote for socialist started redpilling me about the Rothschilds on a family get-together ,
He didn't know my power level
The flemish have been cucked every since the inception on this 'country', like in most countries most people are retarded and don't understand how much they are cucked or how much better things would be if we separated. There was a big /our party/ rally a week ago
Partly yea. This new government is trying to lower the voting age to 16 for the EU elections, if they succeed they will try to push to lower the age to vote for regular elections too
America should nuke wetstraat 16, I'm going to write a letter to Trump.
Compulsory voting isn't really enforced
I haven't voted in years,
Never had to pay a fine or anything
I completely distanced myself from the system
shut the fuck up Greekfag nigger or we will cut off your subsidies. literally every EU instution of importance is located in Belgium. I f hate greeks and their disgusting poverty and you look like halfniggers
it's compulsory but i never voted and nothing ever happens. worst case u get a 50 euro fine
That's putins job, they already have nukes dialed in on you, we dont
Damn. Wish you all the best, hope you all make it.
my father who used to vote commie did a 180
that's how bad it's getting
don’t forget to mention there’s a tranny minister now
You even don't get any fine,
I haven't voted in years ,
Never got fined
Sleep late in my comfy warm bed while normies are waiting in line in the cold between niggers and Moroccans on election day