Christian Zionist Hate Thread

It's Sunday,, what are the kids learning in Sunday School? Watch this video and find out.

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Don't want to waste 12 minutes watching this. All i have to say is that Jews are not God's chosen people anymore and that they cannot be saved without being (Eastern Orthodox) Christian.

Is there anyone more cucked than American evangelists?

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Saved pic. Christians are degenerate jewmonkeys.

at least give it a thumbs down and leave a comment. All the truthful comments have been removed.

>Jews are called the synagogue of Satan in the Bible
>"Christians are jewmonkeys"

based and truthpilled

Wouldn't my comment be removed too?

a dutch posting jeffrey epstein on a anonymous anime image board is more cucked desu

The Irish. The Germans. White english in London. Liberals in brooklyn. I could go on...

Doesnt matter what they are called when christcucks dont take action. They had no problem completely erasing all kinds of heresies and paganism but their precious jews were expelled at best and then invited back in when the storm was over.

Lol, I said I was Zionist once. I meant it in the sense of this being my chosen land, but I don't think that's what people took away from it.

Sure, but it achieves two things,,

1. While it's on there it's a red pill for the suckers who follow this bitch.

2. It makes that Bitch work and let's her know that we know.

The Zionist pay for Bitches like this cunt to spread their lies.

All the truth has is you,, if don't do something who will?

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Jews arent considered as of high-value to Christians, Anti-Semetism is even in some parts of the Eastern Orthodox liturgy if i am correct. Modern Jew loving amongst Christians is a very new heresy and didn't exist before the modern era, especially not during the middle ages.

It is amazing to me that evangelicals let a Jew teach their kids about why Israel is #1. It is just so absurd that I cannot wrap my head around it.

Alright, I'll post a comment.

my fuckin parents are at virtual unitarian church right now using zoom.
the church is less than a mile away and they are allowed to be open and constitutionally allowed to assemble but they cuck themselves as a church on purpose. they also have blm and gayrace flags flying there and nothing else.

fuckin so jewish and gay and they think theyre righteous
basically just turn the other cheek ad absurdum

they used to bring us there as kids and they no joke, showed us gay and straight porn and talked about giving rimjobs so you dont get hurt during buttsex. this was in the 90s youth group. these people should be in prison.

You guys watch that video? It's the most disgusting thing I've seen in a long time. They made a fake wailing wall, gave the kids kippahs and had them thrust (the generative act of uniting with the shakinah-sex magik) while they were praying at this fake wailing wall.
Poor kids. They didn't deserve this.

I think it just hurts these pagan larpers that Christians are good at heart, like Trump releasing unjustly treated Rabashkin from prison

Pick one.

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>especially not during the middle ages.
They had courtjews everywhere. William the conqueror had no problems bringing jews to england. Of course they didnt like jews in the way modern christians do yet they kept them around anyway.

Evangelicals are fucking retarded, holy fuck. I miss the days when WASPS hated Catholics and Jews equally.

Also you just know israel is funding shit like this (with American money no less) through the back door.

They’re called the synagogue of Satan in the future because whomever is calling themselves Jews are no longer related to the original ones. Being Jewish or Zionist isn’t an inherently bad thing in the Bible. Every Christian denomination at one point has helped out the Jewish people.

This cunt is charging $80 for a Zionist propaganda book directed towards children. I think leaving as many comments on her videos as possible would be the best course of action. It takes just as much effort to upload a post as it does to delete one. She’d have to sit there 24 hours a day deleting shit.

This might be a based idea.

Keeping them around isn't really an indication of supporting them.

Who the fuck cares what the sandnigger diaries say? It's not what christians preach today.

Being a Judaist is a bad thing because the Bible clearly states that you can only be saved by believing in Christianity

Not what American heretical sects preech, but it is what Eastern Orthodox Christians preach, and, as its very clear, Eastern Orthodoxy is the one true Christianity.

Wasps gave the world to the jews because protfags forgot the warning embedded in Christianity about jews and made them gods.

I meant racially. Pretty sure they also have their own covenant.