Italy General

Today I'll teach you how to speak pasta! The first phrases you should know when entering the sacred boot are:

>io no pago afito
You use this when you usually meet your landlord.
>eh, capo, dami carelo, io fame
That's a common pasta thing to say outside of a grocery store.
>dove sono le donne bianghe
Best catchphrase to get a free drink in disco clubs.

Now, repeat with me: "capo, io scapo da guera e fame, bisogno soldi per bambini"!

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Mammia Mia pizza Mia?

>patron, je fuis la guerre et la faim, j'ai besoin d'argent pour bébé
top kek

Is that also what they say when they escape to France?

Idk I came to France by plane.

Veneto secession when?

>>dove sono le donne bianghe
>Best catchphrase to get a free drink in disco clubs.
This unironically worked for me. Best pussy and drinks ever

>not ehi

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Io sono ravioli pasta fazul

No, these are the best threads on Zig Forums

Pasta e fagioli, wop scum

"Sono opraio eiiiii"

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Mama mia, mozzarella ravioli gabagool

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When will she be elected leader of Italy?

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Hello frocios.

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I want to export Colombian style pizza with pineapples to Italy

Gli uomini sono pagliacci

io voto pd

We break our spaghetti too you know.

never gonna happen

Either next elections (assuming Salvini gets rekt internally or by the judiciary) or never.
I do believe she'll be this decade's Fini, never more than the respectable ally to the bufoon in chief for the smarter right wingers to vote.
If she misses her next chance, whoever takes over Salvini's place will just snow her.

Only subhumans do that.

I dont

I don't understand where the fuck this meme comes from. I've never seen anyone cook spaghetti whole.

I unironically do


Have you ever made spaghetti yourself?

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Get back in the kitchen and cook some lasagna, you fucking pizza popper!

> I won't pay rent
> eh, boss, give me your mall cart, I'm hungry
> where are the white women?

Of course not, he is italian.

she and the rest of the italian right has been pretty much useless for the past few months
she is not going anywhere, really


It depends how you have been rised up, or what you want to cook. It doesn't matter as long as you aren't ons of those tards whose culinary knowledge and experise come form memes. Loke the ones who go around saying that bananas should be peeled the other way around because monkeys do so.
>t. I don't break them
Do you think that the Slavini's process farse was all planned?

>dove sono le donne bianghe
How do we say I can't find any?

I never break it

I do you make them fit in a pot then?

Almost every day for the last 10 years.

Non riesco a trovare nessuna donna

she's not. FdI has plateaued at 15%.
And Conte has become individually popular enough that he'll make it to 2023 without a govt collapse.

>t. NPC faggot from Zig Forums that doesn't know what a coomer is and has the need to translate a joke

yes.. I believed that was the only way

"vai in belgio che è pieno"

I put it either into a bigger pot or I wait when the pasta is already cooked enough to put it completely inside there. Pros: Longer noodles, obviously.

You push them down slowly. Once in water, they start to bend without breaking.

not really an issue as the part underwater gets soft pretty quickly and in one minute or 2 all of it will fit

my gf is milanese. she wants me to learn italian.

I see, what's an Italian woman doing on Zig Forums?

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>Do you think that the Slavini's process farse was all planned?
Planned how, the timing? That's for sure, it's been a known thing for years that the magistratura serves politicians the papers at the most inconvenient moment, like right after the officialization of candidate lists so the party can't replace an accused guy. Fratelli d'Italia has been complaining about this for years.
Planned as in the whole shit was a trap? Nah, I doubt it. He's had it way too easy for the whole situation to be planned. They're incompetent, but this play was just stupid. The kind of stupid that comes from opportunism, not premeditation.

bonassera Luigi. Io mi chiamo Ante, io abito a Dalmazia. Dalmazia e Croazia, fumare mi cazzo, bandito italiano. Ma poui avere istria

>cos'e "carelo"?
>non e "ho fame"
>non e "le donne bianche"?