Fuck Donald Trump

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At least Obama deported spics


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LOL, the boy in picture was in the first wave of leftists that got deported after Trumps victory in 16.

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You ain't Mexican.

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props if you can watch the whole thing

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I literally keked, also those kids are smart.

November can't come soon enough. MAGA!



Damn, i couldn't do it

Be funny if we just bounced those checks, but your kind is used to bounced checks by now anyways soooo.

my dad would have snapped my finger like a carrot if I flipped off anything as a child

Sounds like your father was a beta male cuck who let black guys with heroes and aids fuck your mother


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The beaner is prob voting for trump for all we know

Kek. Lots of shabbat goy and (((schizophrenics))).

you sound like you suck black dick for a living

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Add Bernie Sanders to the riff-raff. I can't believe a congressman ranting that Trump getting Covid proves that Biden should be president.

Freakin' autistics, one and all. Serve Mommy but don't do it here.

USA is so fucked. I can't believe white people did this to themselves.

which Supreme shirt are you going to buy?

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you would if you could too

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>Oi vey what a mess
>Can't believe you did this to yourselves
*Hand rubbing intensifies*

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Khazars were smelly turks, who used to worship dicks and then one day they decided to find a new religion to get with the modern times. Guess which one they chose?
I'll give you a hint. Their religious leaders cut baby dicks and then suck the blood of of them.
Still obsessed with dicks you diluted roach

Jews are already mutated half destroyed Gene pools who's entire culture revolved around what gods real chosen (whites) did to you

Relax Moshe

Excuse me, if white people are so stupid that they don't know what's good for them and they need the jewish media to tell them, they deserve what they get. Only a bunch of dumbfucks like white people will allow themselves to become a minority in their own fucking country.

>Most Americans express positive views of country’s growing racial and ethnic diversity

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i ain't Ivanka, so no thanks. But i will press P to piss on his COVID grave


just look at this seething disgusting kike.
>cries out in pain as it strikes you


Are you denying the fact that white people are pathetic dumbfucks and your women are nasty negro lovin' whores?