Why is Zig Forums so obsessed with this dude? He's not even the best joker (Sal is)

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delete this

OK sal go double dutch elsewhere

he is the best joker you nigger.

he is /ourguy/

No he isn't. He's lame and generic
>hurr durr muh capeshit references

Sal is the best AND the most handsome :)

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>ok sal, go into the middle of the blm protest and scream nigger

Q is the thinking mans joker

Q is redpilled


Q failed to win a two-front war against the Allies, making him tonight’s biggest loser

Rosey O'Donnell had sex change?

Aren't like three of the four guys kikes? I used to like Q, but I'm leaning a bit towards Sal now.

This whole thread is wrong. Joe is the best not Sal or Q.


That's one way to put it.

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Joe Sal Q Murr in that order

You know it's true he's the most fearless one. He does and says anything.

Yeah it would be Joe, although Sal's wedding speech is probably the single funniest thing any of them have gone through.

That was Sal tho

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that just makes him a whore

Joe is the best, Sal is fat pussy

Joe can do anything with a straight face and that makes it ten times funnier.

>Q is the thinking mans joker

>plaid shirt
Why do Americans wear this crap? Do they think that looking like a fat bearded slob is attractive?

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In the transcripts for one of adam schiffs depositions with the IG, an investigators full legal name was Q. The usg employee exists, that much is public information. Its a real person.

Based and jokerpilled

its like our adidas track suit if that helps you understand better.

Sal is also comfortable being on camera and he's a good actor that's why he's second best.

>more bigger question
Are American rugby teams trying to send a message?

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oh, ok then

Joe is the best because he will literally do anything. He never wusses out. You could tell him to wear blackface to a BLM protest and say “Hello, my fellow niggers” and he’ll do it.

I thought you were talking about joe biden for a second

Favorite bits?

this one is both painful to watch and funny at the same time