
Who let this sub get taken over by boomer facebook memes? I thought someone was supposed to make sure they had a steady stream of red pills.

Attached: rightcantmeme.jpg (720x603, 227.11K)

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That’s actually funnier than any left wing meme.


Attached: 1577834639500.png (753x960, 28.94K)

Yea sure, (((white))) men

Attached: asfasf.png (717x604, 539.56K)

01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01100100 01101001 01110011 01100011 01101111 01110010 01100100 00101110 01100111 01100111 00101111 00110111 01111000 01100100 01111010 01110011 01110110
Join a shitposting server where you can spam these memes by converting the numbers from binary code into letters

fuck reddit

Attached: noneedtocrop.png (1899x1540, 863.87K)

we already raided them months ago

Attached: CHUDCEL.jpg (1424x1080, 329.12K)


Attached: fuckreddit.png (1899x1540, 3.06M)

Anyone have her before after pic?

Bitch. Digits and yellowstone erupts in 1 month.

before what?


I wish

Before her lefty transformation

Still looks like a dyke

Attached: 22017594-0-image-a-8_1575912160054.jpg (1908x1146, 157.94K)

Executive Wendy's Fry Chef making 200k with a 19 inch dick here. I can say for certain that the fact Trump was taken to Walter Reed, definitely means he's requiring a baconator and will need a 5pc spicy nugget. I’ve seen patients go from needing a small to a biggie Frosty within a matter of hours. This is serious

That's all from anonymous sources. White House officials said on record that he only had a Dave's Hot N Juicy and a Diet Coke, which he requested but did not require

There were some really good memes in 2016, this was one of my favorites

Attached: hrcmonika.jpg (767x1024, 87.03K)


Sometimes the memes made themselves

Attached: 9kbtEiX[1].jpg (600x553, 82.6K)

Learn to mind your own fucking business asshole

>Who let this sub

It does destroy her entire persona. (It/thing)

Attached: 1601163435942.jpg (1009x1024, 98.96K)

He's right though

Attached: 8TDnaJ3[1].gif (250x283, 741.98K)

>There were some really good memes in 2016, this was one of my favorites

man, imagine trying to vote for this in 2020? Hillary coughing non stop while campaigning, in the midst of Covid? People go after Trump for his health. But Hillary looks like she expired years ago.

You are lucky i suffer from a compulsive disorder


They temporarily shut down their subreddit and then blocked new or low karma accounts from posting because actual right wing memes were too strong for them

its almost as if being gay is genetic and not a choice

>bans people posting good right wing memes
>irony lost on them

>But Hillary looks like she expired years ago.
Yeah, she does look rough, and I am convinced it was a body double that came out of that apartment right after she collapsed on 9/11/16

Attached: AclD5kV[1].jpg (1024x512, 139.94K)

They banned everyone who posted memes when they all got offended some dude did a video about it youtube.com/watch?v=5_c63wFTxm0

Bow down

Attached: TheSupremeKarens.jpg (635x550, 129.15K)

But it is a choice.

Back to r/reddit

Remember the stair incident?

Attached: gsD0qH2[1].jpg (615x512, 50.88K)