He can't be a glownigger. He doesn't have a meme flag on.
Landon Robinson
Carter Martin
They use lithium-ion batteries.
David Gomez
Isaiah Hughes
Cold and heat dont transfer in a vacuum. There's nothing to get cold or hot because there's literally nothing there.
Dylan Edwards
>Le daily wacky conspiracy threads by JIDF Kikes like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.
This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.
9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "an energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).
Jews control our media. Jews control our banking. Jews control our academia. Jews control our government. Very real and verifiable. Something people need to know and understand. "But let’s not worry about that, goyim. Let’s discuss pyramid symbols, bigfoot and aliens".
Anyone who still believes we landed on the moon after all these years of never going back suffers from low IQ and cognitive dissonance beyond repair....and NASA faked the space shuttles too...WAKE UP
Michael Robinson
The Sun transfers heat to the Earth through the vacuum of space, yes?
Andrew Thomas
>oy vey don't think about who is running your media, government, banking etc. >let's talk about the loch ness monster and le 53rd degree masons who are secretly aliens Expelled for subversion 1,030 times.
You are misdirecting for your Jew masters....we know there were no planes on 9/11 and those buildings were empty...the Jews don’t kill anybody, they get us stupid goy to kill after we think people died on 9/11
We haven’t been back since 1972....you are a liar....and stupid for thinking NASA is telling you the truth
John Brooks
We went back multiple times retard.
Jace Sanchez
What is black body radiation?
Josiah Scott
The SURFACE MATERIAL was at some places in shadow very cold and the SURFACE MATERIAL in sunlight could be very hot but the VACUUM OF SPACE is neither hot or cold as it is a VACUUM. Astronauts in space need to get rid off WASTE HEAT or else they will OVER HEAT as the VACUUM OF SPACE doesn't carry away heat unlike AIR on Earth does. That's one of the reasons why the suits and ships were painted WHITE because it REFLECTS LIGHT & HEAT. Nigger.
Basically anything that's made of stuff and radiates. Sun gives of "black body radiation". It's one of those astronomical terms like everything except hydrogen is a "metal".
Grayson Sullivan
LOL.....those batteries powered the lander!....you’re a hoot!....go back to watching Star Trek and let us adults talk k?
Joseph Cox
>A memeflag saying anything Absolutely disgusting
Carter Brown
ALSS used a 279 watt-hour battery.
Jack Perez
Nigger it's not like you hop in an elevator and hit the moon button. It is ungodly expensive and extremely dangerous. We were waving our dick at the Soviet Union at the time and considered money and lives expandable. Once again our education system has failed you.
Chase Moore
The vacuum of space doesnt conduct heat
Joseph Lee
It makes me sad how obviously fake the Moon landings were. It's really too bad being redpilled. Many moments are ruined, but at least I see the truth.
Go back and watch Star Wars while us adults talk about reality and common sense k?....the moon landing was so fake it makes retards like you look like little girls
>Nature abhors vacuums >Le CHATalier principle It all makes sense now.
Cooper Gomez
The videos of aviation experts getting good looks at the "Moon landing" equipment have been deleted from the entire Internet because they couldn't hide their shock, their utter shock at how the equipment betrayed that it was all make believe. No one had that tech back in the 1960s and they knew it.
That's false. Space is incredibly hot and cold. They even let one guy take a sniff several years back and he reported that space smells like a burnt steak.
Connor Evans
You can't get to the moon. Ask yourself this. Why would Hollywood spend so much time and money creating stories about space? What are the repercussions of the realization of not being able to leave earth? How would that change how most people view GOD?
Connor Jackson
Watch American Moon on jewtube. 3 1/2 hours of information. May not be the info you like, but nonetheless....
Carson Morris
Extremely dangerous to go to the moon?....then why did NASA allow Neil Armstrong to leave the earth in this piece of crap?....quit doing drugs and let us adults talk k?
Here is timestamp where the director of American Moon asks professional photographers about the noticeable drop off of light that can be seen in the pictures from the moon. youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY&feature=youtu.be&t=9450
It truly disgusts me that the place that use to be called /new/ that cared only about facts and news could turn into this cess pit of half baked political ideologies, blatant contrarianism and outright denial of facts that are plainly presented. People who don't understand bio chem and believe in crystal healing are the same types of minds that in Zig Forums want to try to prove flat earth or NASA being fake because they just don't understand physics, engineering or anything really. In summation you're all a bunch of contrarian pseudo intellectuals just like the normal fags.
>says moon landings were fake >has no evidence other "just believe me maaaaan"
Go hit the fucking bong you faggot. All these conspiracies you believe are bullshit and you know it. You are not intelligent or important enough to grasp the shit that happens in the real world so you cling to conspiracies in an attempt to feel special. That's the ultimate redpill...you are not smart or special and the world is a lot more boring than what you think
Chase Cooper
Its almost like they had the plans for the lander and needed to make it as realistic as possible or something.
I just told you faggot...one upping Russia was more important than Neil's life.
"Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.
These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. But they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.
These two men are laying down their lives in mankind’s most noble goal: the search for truth and understanding.
They will be mourned by their families and friends; they will be mourned by their nation; they will be mourned by the people of the world; they will be mourned by a Mother Earth that dared send two of her sons into the unknown.
In their exploration, they stirred the people of the world to feel as one; in their sacrifice, they bind more tightly the brotherhood of man.
In ancient days, men looked at stars and saw their heroes in the constellations. In modern times, we do much the same, but our heroes are epic men of flesh and blood.
Others will follow, and surely find their way home. Man’s search will not be denied. But these men were the first, and they will remain the foremost in our hearts.
For every human being who looks up at the moon in the nights to come will know that there is some corner of another world that is forever mankind."
For anyone interested this was Nixon's "oops they died" speech
Cameron Wood
3 types >Convection >Conduction >Radiation First two don’t work in space. So where is the heat being radiated for the A/C unit? What would be equivalent to A/C condenser out side of your home. How is the referegant being condensed after being compressed? Without this you can’t have an evaporator to cool the space craft.
Christopher Smith
What is that webm even trying to say? Those planes were real btw.
Ian Perry
>we oopsie woopsied the moon landing technology, XD Excuse me?
Chase Evans
You’re not having a good day, lots of facts and evidence you can’t respond to....so sad...and the entire world is watching you display your ignorance....how embarrassing for you