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No thanks

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We can get back to normal as soon as we get rid of the people who say we can't get back to normal.

>mfw i tried to rule the world and all i got was a keratinized 4 inch pecker

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Let the world live a lie, but I will live in my own integrity.

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Fuck off, rabbi.

So in maybe what, 20 years?

Accept it and let me fuck your wife

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We can reopen the mental asylums tomorrow. Or just wall off california and deport them all there.

Democrats are going to swing from trees, all of them.
With each passing day, its becoming more clear that the ENTIRE PLANET is playing "corona virus" simply because the US democrat party is in a hysterical-convulsion trying to remove the individual "Donald Trump" from office.

The United States and the Entire continent of Europe are forced to play hypocondriac-global-pandemc all because an American political party is spiraling out of control.
the whole planet is playing fake virus because some jews and free-masons hate Donald.
they muzzled the planet, put soiled diapers on your face, crashed every single economy, closed or destroyed everything you have ever loved or enjoyed and sent you to your homes to let it all soak in too.

ALL peer-reviewed science from 1948 to 2018 showed that masking does nothing to stop the spread of contagious disease.

Masks are for the weak minded, low IQ, ill-informed moron who knows absolutely nothing about microbiology.
-Masks are worn exclusively to protect the patient from bacteria. Bacteria is about 1000 times larger than a virus.
-You’re also exposing yourself to an exponentially higher risk of respiratory infection. Which is what they want. The wet, constantly touched mask is essentially a virus catching NET at that point
>Predicted 200k deaths if everything we do was perfect:

They say you:
>"wear a mask to protect other people",
even though it puts YOU at higher risk
If everyone wears a mask EVERYONE is at higher risk

The mask thing is a psyop against conservatives. It's to make them look irrational
All that matters is how willingly you'll accept the propaganda lies without question. It's an ideological loyalty test to weed out any potential wrong thinkers

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If the president dies he will finally MAGA.

have you done the math?
>204,497=Covid deaths as of today
>272 ÷ =the number of the day of this year
>751.827205882352941 =
48 ÷ =(48 states, not going to include Hawaii and alaska
15.663066789215686 = the number of "COVID19" deaths per state everyday!
>15 people die and you close down a country and walk around with masks on!

Some facts based on CDC data:

> 201,000 people have dies WITH COVID, not OF coronavirus.
> 6% of all COVID deaths are OF COVID alone.
> 98% of COVID infections are asymptomatic.
> Of the 2% who show symptoms, only 3.3% die.
> Based on CDC math, 300,000,000 Americans have already had COVID, as 6,000,000 confirmed/presumed cases is 2% of 300,000,000.
> The actual death rate of COVID is thus 0.067%

In addition...

> 94% of deaths have, on average, 2.6 comorbidities in addition to COVID.
> 80% of these deaths come from nursing homes, hospice facilities, long term care facilities, etc.
> The average age of a COVID death is 78.
> The average flu mortality rate is about 0.1% based on CDC information.

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This would require getting rid of many of your family and friends. Face it, 80% at least of the entire population has attached their own personalities to this fake virus. They desperately need it to be true.

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This isn't peak levels, this is above peak levels

Normal was shit anyway.

The coofs is this generation's 9/11, the new "new normal".

yeah I can't take much more of these fuckers.WWG1WGA

One thing is for certain. This isn't China's fault and we should never talk about how we're 7+ months into this and you still can't buy N95 masks because they were purchased in bulk by Chinese visitors and sent back to China.

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>walk into a store where you know fine well that you need to wear a mask
>small lady asks you to wear a mask
>go home and post this retarded shit on Zig Forums

>Just stay inside for 2 weeks, goy! Just 2 months!

WEAR THE FACE DIAPER FOREVER GOY (Unless you're rioting)

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9/11 was a jack shit compared to this

The death rate is already plummeting. We will be back to normal as soon as the election is over.

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My family isn't insane and I don't associate with psychotic leftists. It's accept the reality that the left will never be capable of functioning in a civilized society, or allow them to burn it all down.

I honestly hope it stays like this forever, this is the dream for neets like me, all you fucking privileged good rng having faggots get taken down a peg and I go up one.

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>be paranoid faggot afraid of your own shadow
>demand everyone else accommodate your paranoia and wear masks with no end in sight for the rest of human history
I would rather you faggots get slaughtered. And your disgusting whore mother dies the slowest and most painful death imaginable as punishment for giving birth to you. Tired of playing your fucking face-theater games.

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Not even Walmart mandates this shit anymore where I live. The people who are afraid wear them, everyone else is back to normal.

Why are these people so afraid of dying? They do know that they're going to die eventually, right? It's always better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.

you're that mad at me just because i wear a fucking piece of cloth over my face since it's legally required in stores?
what the actual fuck is wrong with you lol

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When will people stop calling the employees of CNN "experts"?

If it weren't for you, the rest of us could live normal lives instead of having to play terror-theater make believe with you.

>7 months later and you still can't buy N95 masks
Thank you China

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The world is abnornal after 1945. Normality is restored when jews are destroyed

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So basically, your statistics are complete bullshit and lies.

He's not wrong.

Better response than the one I was working on. I was going to accuse him of drinking Arab cum and jerking off as his daughters are raped.

so I should just break the law, get kicked out of the store, and not be able to eat just because some retarded mutt told me so

this new normal is keeping the working class in chains so they can't better their lives while the politicians and the billionaires that support them haven't felt a single thing.

you can take your "new normal" and shove it up your ass.


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CDC Data

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Why can't you incels wear the fucking mask