White Women are Ugly

can we all agree its time to mix it up???

White women are ugly losers

White race should have ended in 1950

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That's a kike, just like your ugly ass sister you molested.

Jesus christ those tits are disgusting

>i have never seen tits in real life
the post.

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kys phemoid

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haha, white woman goes brrrrr.

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Based, how can sheboons compete?

kys homo

cope harder. :)

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i h8 white mexicans MORE than rednecks

yall suck

Quads! Based retard namefag AnCap trash

How long is your nose user?

u mad nigger boy?

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Cope more, kike. All the average white women has to do to be attractive is not be fat and old. Pic related is the average white female face, now compare that with your average chink or pajeeta lol, gross.

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YOU are the trash

>can we all agree

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>Unironic no u

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Never a jannie around when you need one

Even when they show up it's only to ban everyone but the trash thread faggot OP

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reminder that white women look like men

suck my dick homo

bix nood

daily remider that white and japanese women >all women , cope harder nigger.

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Tits for what you are able to bank may look like. But attractive women of many races don’t have tits like that unless they are sloppy people.


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kys nazii

Nice tits, more