I sold out a month ago and started dating a girl at my arts uni. She's a labour member and she's part of our unis Marxist group. I joined both because it makes it easier for me to clap her cheeks and get blow jobs. I'm still a nazi, but she doesn't know. I left my prized copy of Siege on her coffee table and she was too dumb to know what it was and when I go to events I laugh at their jokes by reminding myself that they don't know that I'm a nazi who's among them. It's quite fun, Anons.
The question being, how far would you guys go to loose your virginity? Would you sell out and go with the crowd knowing you're doing good wrong, or would you stay here, finger wag at Jews and masturbate to transgender women angrily knowing that even they won't fuck you?
Good call. My girl has blue eyes but naturally dark/black hair. Not sure what that makes her.
Ryan Miller
I found myself in a similar predicament freshman year of uni. I got a shirt made that said “pol pot was right about college” and would wear it to their Marxist meetings. No one got it because they were all barely literate.
Hunter Walker
I sold out but i don't care. My gf told me her juice hole off limits if I voted for Trump, so I am voting Biden. Before you ask.. no I am not going to lie to her and tell her I voted Biden and instead vote Trump. So.. let's see.. if I vote Trump, it means nothing anyway and I lose access to the heaven hole. But if I vote Biden it means nothing anyway and I keep access to her body. Hmm easy choice.
Parker Davis
Be a man and manipulate her so she shares your views in politics.
Anthony Baker
I go to class dressed in SS gear. My frat is a actually just a kkk chapter. I have sex with a different woman every day
Joshua Ortiz
Angel Brooks
what a shit thread. pussy is over rated and sex is underwhelming.
Blake Taylor
Get a load of this incel. I used to say the same thing when I was a virgin. Gotta do what you gotta do in this sexual economy.
Jason Bailey
Same, my gf is an insufferable SJW at times but I openly make transphobic comments and she laughs most the time, deep down she knows I’m right
Austin Butler
That makes absolutely no sense. If you want to vote for Trump, there is no way at all she could ever know. Unless you're such a cuck that you won't tell a lie to avoid the backlash of her own irrationality and brainwashing.
If you think voting means nothing, why bring it up?
That's what virgins say.
Yeah, mine laughs at stuff like that too. Her views were made for her, it's frustrating.
Grayson Ward
Dude I've got a reichsflagge above my bed and I spent 5 years bringing girls home for casual and not so casual relations. Not one girl ever moped the fuck out of there or even acknowledged the flag verbally. No, these weren't ugly mutts, though I admit half of them were dumb. But only half. Most were university or college students. One was actually a history teacher whose expertise was the fucking civil rights movement. I initially had a backup plan of "it's just a prank babe" for when one walks in and then tries to run away but they never did. It's actually disappointing. I feel like the first girl that at least fucking says something about it I'm gonna make her my wife.
Brody Fisher
If she was white and a cutesy devoted spaz or just extremely shy.
Nicholas Diaz
>Get a load of this incel. I used to say the same thing when I was a virgin
I say these things now as an oldfag, in my 20's and teens I was out every weekend, maybe I need T therapy, dunno, sex isn't as important as it was 20+ years ago.
Lucas Hill
i would never go very far for something like thst. if it cane to me thats different
Noah Johnson
True, you don't know which girl out if the crazies will be sane enough to like you, and then you couldn't say no at that point.
Chase Roberts
The fucking absolute state of you. My wife is further right than me.
Jose Russell
A man who compromises his beliefs out of fear of a woman or to curry favor with one, is no man. He is a slave, and he will forever be a slave.
Gavin Young
Ayden Howard
You didn’t sell anything out. You were just always a fag.
Gavin James
No because she'll learn to resent you. Once you've been around a woman for a while and dicked her down good enough she'll begin to absorb parts of your worldview, she'll be open to more by then. Chemistry oftentimes needs to be built, focus on that first, if you are compatible people the rest comes much easier.
Joseph Carter
Womens politics fold in an instant to a man they actually respect. I'm openly a Zig Forumstard with my gf but tbf she was racist before I came clear with all that and I pretty much got with her because she was refreshed I wasn't a PC bullshitter. Women are redpilled naturally deepdown.
First few months of a relationship that you don't want to last very long fair enough. I don't enjoy sex enough to live like that. Perhaps because I was circumcised for some medical reason. If you're not dating for marriage and children you're dating for heartbreak and misery.
It's perfectly possible to have a happy life long relationship with someone you totally disagree with politically but lies and closing your true self off to her is a recipe for failure. It'll be hard to not have this blow up in your face if she finds out and thinks you were lying or being 'fake' which they're all obsessed with nowadays. Not impossible but difficult but I'll tell you this OP I respect that you put the important things in life first. Eating. Getting laid. Progressing as a social human being are more important than ego, politics and self image.
Good luck OP but if you grow to love her don't throw it away over politics. She doesn't know what you tick in the voting stall and you can help your sons 'rebel' against her SJW bollocks.
Josiah Sanchez
>No because she'll learn to resent you. Once you've been around a woman for a while and dicked her down good enough she'll begin to absorb parts of your worldview, she'll be open to more by then. Chemistry oftentimes needs to be built, focus on that first, if you are compatible people the rest comes much easier. this leaf speaks true
Nathan Sanchez
sell out? no. make politics a main stable of pillow talk, also no. women and young people in general are stupid, if you exclude liberals from your pussy pool, have fun masturbating a lot. a lot of hardcore feminist girls are also super submissive in bed. just don't marry her if your views don't align
Benjamin Smith
>no I will not lie fucking pussy, I promised the retarded women in my family I wouldn't vote for drumpf but I'm still doing it, they can't check your ballot lol.
David Gutierrez
LARP, leftoids don't tell "jokes" they just scoff at those they consider morally inferior. They're joyless finger-waggers and even if I wanted to lose my virginity. I have standards OP
Kevin Bailey
>part of our unis Marxist group careful, she's mentally ill
Luis Bennett
>voting >women Lying to your sister and your mom about which jewish party to vote for is pretty gay ngl.
Julian Martin
big talk considering nothing on planet earth is gayer than canada
Adrian Reed
Idk man, America comes pretty close, at least the white men where I'm at are 6 feet tall.
Liam Ortiz
>juice hole >heaven hole Please give advice, stud
Samuel Phillips
*gives massive aid to Israel in your path* He done you
Julian Edwards
america is flawed and embarrassing but you're like our retarded little brother. I'm also 6 foot tall, not sure that being a mallet is inherently american lol, you got me. my favorite ex is English I love you fuckers