CA pill thread #1

Why haven't you taken the Christian pill yet?

Anti-consumerism, pro-race, pro-nature, collectivist, nonwhites are animals, you're a part of something bigger than yourself

None of the complexity of the modern world. No bills. No credit. No insurance. No financial industry. Just praising nature for all it has given us. Focusing on beauty instead of efficiency.

Why haven't you adopted White culture yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Based and Christpilled

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Christianity is a Jewish scam riddled with contradictions. Keep worshipping a kike on a stick.

>Pic related is an ancient Egyptian drawing of a Hebrew, Cleary white

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But I have.

Based AF, brother.

>Anti-consumerism, pro-race, pro-nature

Attached: pope.jpg (968x681, 56.97K)

outrageously based, have an upvote

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Christian Aryanism includes a completely indexed Mein Kampf into their Extended Apocrypha (not doctrine nor absolute but profitable for guidance or inspiration)

What did Adolf have to say about pagans?

Mein Kampf 13:311 [Extended Apocrypha] 2020ᐟᴴᴿᵀ
>311 The impression which I often get, especially of those so-called religious reformers whose creed is grounded on ancient Germanic customs, is that they are the missionaries and protégés of those forces which do not wish to see a national revival taking place in Germany.

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Are you just copying the Pagan thread and switching the word Pagan for Christian? Holy fuck that's weak.

Reject Abrahamic monotheism.
Embrace European cosmotheism.

I think you killed Op

The people in your pic aren't true Christians and the people in pic related aren't true pagans. If the person in your pic IS a REAL Christian, then people in pic related are real pagans, which makes your religion a nigger religion

Attached: nigger pagans.jpg (1748x1597, 539.68K)

Yes, I corrected the thread text.

Race and religion huh? In that case why is my white country full of semitic religions

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Grow up you fucking child.

You have a cross on your flag, get out swedeck

Oh wow, you really got me there.

Are all Christians on Zig Forums underage or something?

>>Anti-consumerism, pro-race, pro-nature
that is literally european paganism lol

>re you just copying the Pagan thread and switching the word Pagan for Christian? Holy fuck that's weak.

that is th emost pathetic thing I have seen today from a christian
link to the thread?

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Take the Islam pill. Christopaganism is dead. Good riddance. Islam is the only hope for the future. Goodluck OP and PEACE

Just stating the facts, faganism is a meme nowadays just like your country

It's bizarre how triggered they are by Pagan threads.

Why are pagans bigger Israeli shills than even Southern Evangelical Churches?

>Israel: Asatru priest calls for state recognition of religion
>"Einar, an Israeli Jew who is a pagan priest in the Asatru community, imagines a future in which the paganism of northern Europe is finally recognised as a legitimate religion."

>white people and jewish mythos, history, and folklore are inseparable

yeah no, count me out of your kike larping

Attached: christians.jpg (864x576, 175.26K)

even they know their religion is fake and gay

see these posts>Are you just copying the Pagan thread and switching the word Pagan for Christian? Holy fuck that's weak.
op's reply>Yes

Attached: pathetic christians.png (927x728, 134.16K)

Christianity is pagan, albeit syncretic. old Europaganism is extinct. Christianity is next. Goodbye.

Islam is the future. Goodluck bro.

The pagan thread was created earlier. Your image is retarded.

Imagine seething this hard.

Are you that french shitskin pagan Pierre Biret?

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semite shit out

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It's probably varg

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>imagine being upset that shills are constantly trying to bind european blood to jewish mythos and folklore

not that hard to imagine cuck boy

>Islam is the future.

yes thats the point , christians seethe so much they try to copy the pagan threads word for word to stay relevant

>Are you that french shitskin pagan Pierre Biret?

Attached: enough.jpg (1280x720, 73.14K)

Deus Vult.
Pagans will burn with the commies.

Attached: Christ.jpg (563x796, 114.14K)

Islam will be biggest religion in less than 100 years

>Deus Vult.
do you agree with what Op, said?

then you are endorsing pagans! you are a pagan and you dont even know it LOL
what, do you suddenly disagree wih what Op said, now that you know it came from the words of a pagan, and not a christian?

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half your religion is pagan, the other half is jewish
sounds like the first church in acts

fucking retard
>muh dudes vault
killing anyone for any reason directly defies what jesus and the new testament says. you hold pagan doctrine while waering a jews name like a badge, having bound yourself to their mythos and folklore

fuckin imbecile

Everything OP said except "nonwhites or animals" is Church teaching, dipshit. Pagans can be correct about some things.
>half pagan half jewish
weak b8
weaker b7
>killing directly defies Jesus
try looking into Church teaching some time, smooth-brain. The principle of double-effect would be a good starting point.

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>nonwhites are animals
Not what the Bible says. Go back to your discord or facebook group or wherever you retards come from.

>hurr durr b8
no argument, assertion stands

>the church absorbed pagan peoples by death and torture and thus kept some pagan doctrines within the church doctrine that directly defy what jesus and paul said to do

and? my point still stands kike worshiper

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Nonwhites are absent from the bible. It only speaks of Whites, from Adam to Jesus.

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The burden of proof lies on he who makes an assertion. Go ahead and "prove" either one.
As to your picture, most evangelicals are not Christian.

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