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Chinese colony

* third word colony

It's all over for us. Don't blame the folks who didn't want this to happen. Based Albertan farmer here. There's a gun behind every blade of grass on my property and I'm not going anywhere

Quebec here, it's time to stop.

China is going to invade from Canada.

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Look at the pic in the first post

Alberta here. It's worse than you know. With the immigration program, the foreigners don't just congregate in the cities (although the cities are a higher rate) but every small town is getting imports of niggers, somalis, poos and flips. I don't know specifically what the "immigration rate" is in OP but it likely only includes official legal immigrants, and not work visas, temporary foreign workers, family visas, student visas, refugees and family reunification programs, all of which are fast tracks to citizenship. And it's not all Chinese. There's a lot of Chinese but there's tons of Pajeets, flips and subsaharan africans and endless somalis. Apparently our official demographic number of niggers is only 6% but some towns are closer to 30% and the average is likely closer to 10-15% when it comes to actual "people" on the sidewalks or roads.
It's much, much worse than OP suggests

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Kalergi plan
go to toronto, ottawa or vancouver for proof

I don't live anywhere near Edmonton or Calgary. Blame those faggots. If you're not a die hard conservative around here, you're going to have a real hard time in life

The United States is whiter than Canada.
That should speak volumes about Canada.
Quebec and all to its East is still white, though.

Go get your independence now, faggot. Be quick.

i think our countries are just fucked, no recovery from this shit. i was gonna move to eastern europe but i took a trip there last year and all the people complete different phenotype from western euros

why cant there be ONE western european or western european descended country that stays white?

Conservatives import niggers too, don't act like they're a solution you fucking fanboy

Because the Jews know that white people as a whole won't accept being slaves. Dumb us down enough and we comply as a group.

Vote Wildrose friend.
Don't believe the UCP lies.

Checked and Blocpilled. Quebec sovereignty now, but wexit is a hairbrained boomer meme

I'm talking conservative values. But sure. Argue with me more retard. What are you doing to save the white race? Personally I have 4 white children and I self sustain on my own farm (not handed to me). There's a lot of folks like us and we all have more guns than you could imagine

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Newfoundland doesn't have a conservative member in the parliament. We have virtually no immigrants, at least compared to Alberta.

Wildrose will replace us with niggers for endless cheap labor too, stop being gay

you canadians were setup long ago when they asked you to be polite... aka a doormat

sorry bros

Canada in 1980 -> 98% white
Canada in 2017 -> 58% white

It's this "worse".
Canada never really existed, though.
It's just some bitch Britain and the United States keep in the basedment and take turns on, using it as they please.

May this be a warning to all that give up their sovereignty.

And something more: A civil war in Canada will be 1000x worse than the United States: Not only is your climate harsher and your population density much lower... no Canadian is ready for what's coming.
Remember: When the United States starts to burn, there's absolutely no reason you won't burn with them. You will burn even brighter and hotter.

>What are you doing to save the white race?
Stop watching superhero movies retard


>niggers burn down cities
>no one wants to move here and niggers go to canada instead
uhh based? was this all part of the plan?

If I'm honest with you I believe the statistics for every province besides Saskatchewan and Manitoba. These two provinces are still pretty sparse with immigrants compared to their overall population. I know it's only a matter of time but this area is still white & native mass majority

i went to a toronto mall when i was 20... im like whats with all the brown people i never even knew existed

Nice to know Alberta is probably full of homos like you. Did your cerb run out yet poor fag?

>A civil war in Canada
This will never, ever, ever happen. And yeah Canada's always been a colony state. I just wish we would recognize that and own it. There's nothing wrong with being a quiet but hardworking backwater. It's desirable. It's why our ancestors chose this country instead of the US. We were a British colony, then post 1945 became a de facto US colony, and removed the blue from our flag in 1965, which was extremely gay. Imagine being a Commonwealth colony with no blue in your flag. Now as American power wanes and globohomo picks up, we're becoming a colony of whichever country pays to buy us up slice by slice thanks to corrupt zionist politicians. That means at this point, largely China and India. If we could recognize and own our colony status I think we could be more cognizant of our quiet sell off and prevent it. I'm not sure though, this place is pretty fucked politically. It's sort of better to keep your head down politically and work with good people in your local area to make them great people. There is a political solution here, it's just multigenerational.

>pull yourself up by your bootstraps
Imagine being this much of a boomer. Goddamn I hate conservatives more than I hate liberals. You're good hearted people but so, so stupid.

Faggot detected

Zoomys mad


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>only party willing to even discuss immigration is meme tier ppc
>every retard in the west will vote conservative out of habit despite them being almost the same as libs policy wise
I never asked for this.