Oh yeah, it's definitely a security risk. I can tell by the pixels, and having seen a lot of security risks in my time.
Justin Adams
meds, take em
Bentley Turner
this is exactly what he wants you to think
Nolan Nelson
Living in a dying empire is entertaining, ngl.
Caleb Fisher
>left complotism is good
Lincoln Peterson
Camden Cox
Nah, it was unplanned so they figured there probably wouldn't be an assassination team nearby.
Lucas Mitchell
You know who really died today? The norwegian kebab-book burner. Murdered in his home, and none of you are talking about it. None of you have heard of it. None of you have the backbone to exact just retribution.
Michael Cook
>if he's not riding in a tank it's not POTUS lol, fucking car fags
Asher Peterson
Does this pic look like Trump to you?
Fuck off kike
Owen Walker
LOLOLOLOLOL Trump is using a "body double" even though he literally just made a new video showing him in good health and saying he was going to go out and "surprise" people.
Isaiah Ortiz
Ha you fell for it, it's exactly what he wants you to think he wants you to think.
You guys get more desperate and pathetic every day
Joshua Long
Liberals are going APESHIT on Twitter at the fact that Trump is not dead. I've never seen anyone more angry that a person is alive. It's pure fucking madness.
Owen Sanchez
Justin Cook
Don't care, still dying for Israel
Jaxson Cox
There's no requirement the President have any protection at all. If he wanted to, he could tell the SS men to all fuck off, and take a stroll around St. Louis at midnight. He really is their boss.
He probably told the SS men to shut the fuck up and take him for a drive in whatever vehicle was available.
Jackson Gray
I'm actually a U.S. State Department official in the new Embassy.
schizos ruin this board. its the same few people latching on to different schizo theories spamming threads all day every day.
Landon Parker
can confirm they stole my moms suburban outside Walter Reed and stuffed Louie Anderson inside
Lucas Ward
They are really going all in on the lies.
Henry Cox
>Dems were so excited to see Trump die that they refuse the idea of Trump surviving a disease with a 99% recovery rate Holy fuck, Dems are gonna actually kill themselves if Trump wins won't they?
Meanwhile theres one of these in front and one behind his car, let alone another 20 vehicles full of agents, and an ac130 loitering at 10,000 feet retard.
>You know who really died today? The Dutch interior decorator Jan des Bouvrie. Murdered in his home (by cancer), and none of you are talking about it. None of you have heard of it. None of you have the backbone to exact just retribution.
Matthew Brown
Liberals are the real tin foil hat conspiracy theorists
Levi Garcia
Bentley Watson
I mean of course it's a body double. The same one who was servicg since he died during that "physical" he got a "head start"" on.
Why do you think there was no arrests? why do you think all Trumps allies land in jail one-by-one, why is he being distanced from "his" allies?
Because he's dead, and they replaced him with a puppet.
That's why there won't be a revolt, won't be any arrests. They got to him, they got him, he can literally be in a swamp now, literal, not methaphorical.
Landon Nguyen
Evan Thompson
>c stand blocking identifiable features how "convenient"
Kayden Murphy
Fuck around and find out, kuffar.
Jack Wood
That photo is 100% Trump. But the shot is not in the video
BOOM! Gotcha! This is exactly what he wants you to think he wants you to think he wants you to think.
Lincoln Brown
Media: The death of a Norwegian Islam critic is being investigated as a homicide
A prominent member of the group Stop the Islamization of Norway was found dead on Saturday, Norwegian media write.
Norwegian police have launched a murder investigation after a 40-year-old man was found dead in his apartment in Kristiansand on Saturday.
It informs a spokesman for the police on Saturday at a press conference.
Several Norwegian media write that the man who was found dead on Saturday is a prominent member of the Islamophobic group Stop the Islamization of Norway (Sian).
The leader of Sian, Lars Thorsen, confirms to VG that he has been informed that one of the group's members was found dead on Saturday afternoon.
Lars Thorsen knows the 40-year-old man through their joint involvement in the group.
Jack Barnes
The president's car is hilariously underprotected in the first place. It's what, level 2 KE and level 1 blast? Kek, give me a break. The real defence is in the motorcade.
Justin Lewis
>picture doesn't correspond to my memory >NOOOOOO NOT THE BODY DOUBLErINOOOOOO fuck off dumbass
Jackson Lopez
European electric plug types
Justin Martin
Dumbass, that's an up armored SUV, the doors weigh 150lbs and the glass is at least and inch thick, I spent a year in them.
Landon Anderson
sorry, toothpaste, no one give a fuck about the Dutch.
Blake Scott
Would you faggots stop with the conspiracy shit already? Its appropriation. Our culture is not your fucking trending topic
Isaac Anderson
This is not even remotely true.
Benjamin Allen
also why he did this virtually unannounced, gives very little time for an attacker to plan anything
Ryder Diaz
It’s classified actually. Anyone who says they know specifics is being deceptive
Tyler Morgan
Former Michelin tire mechanic here. Not gonna lie, it has to be a body double. Those are Firestone tires. Secret service would never sign off on Firestone because fire poses a danger to the president.