No one took Communism seriously in its last 30 years or so. It was a joke, an empty idol, to whom a praise was offered in exchange for some social benefits.
Literally nobody thought that seeds of this empty idolatry could get any land in the US soil. It was a fool's errand.
Yet here we are, 30 years after the USSR collapse and the mobs are on the streets.
Protip- crush those fuckers, as we have failed.
Sorry, USA
Based Ivan. Communism is a mind disease engineered to destroy great nations.
It's too late
It is not that Communism was a pure evil for Russia. Our last tzar was a degenerate and something had to be done.
But there is a good Slavic tradition of civil wars. And here we are.
Scary good guys dont win anymore everyone has jaws and claws. While the government, ignores commie expansionism, and makes the people the bad guys.
Reminder these are the same people who cry and claim foul play when communists are violent.
Your commies are worse than ours were. Russia had problems- famine, epidemics, world war, degenerated, retarded monarchy and all the bloodbath the liberals started with their revolution.
Yes, commies gave an answer to that, a bloody one, but whatever.
Your lives are good. Peaceful, full of food, shelter and even free monies. And yet you are infested with the worst kind of lefties- the priesthood. Not the problem solvers, not the warriors, not even plain ol' bandits.
They fuck everything up because of an idea.
>Peaceful, full of food, shelter and even free monies
>the USA, literally the most unfeeling neo-liberal genocidal empire in the world
Maybe for middle class white people. Ask Black, Asian, Latino or even white people from the Rust Belt or Appalachia how benevolent and easy US life is.
Communism arises when there is great economic inequality.
I would rather have a tzar than have a bunch of jews slaughter Christians, and throw them in Gulags.
And when there are jews.
Ten bucks says they are not dying by hundred thousands due to typhus, famine each five years, world war conscription and good ol' plague around the Volga.
It really was a different kind of absolutely fucked up mismanaged hell.
>I would rather have a tzar than have a bunch of jews slaughter Christians, and throw them in Gulags.
Please note that civil war and a that follows was inevitable as was the wholesale slaughter of civs. Tzar bought that on his own people and fired first shots in the failed revolution of 1905. Machinegunning demonstrations, death squads- sadly, he was the first to invent that.
We needed Nicholas II out asap, but it all went to fucking hell.
Also, now we finally have a tzar. And the people mostly rejoice.
Their all catholics I agree they run the pedophilia at the top. Epstein was just a pawn with lot of visual evidence
Direct suffering is not what makes people revolutionary. Plebeians in Rome revolted en mass before slaves, even though Plebeians had comparatively better lives. What matters is the sharpness of contradictions between classes. Life for English peasants was also disease ridden and famine ridden, yet the Black Death itself didn't tip the peasants over the edge into armed rebellion in 1381, it was the imposition of unfair taxes to fund the hundred years war, the brutality with which the tax collectors treated them and the better bargaining position the peasants had after the black death. Suffering does not directly correlate to revolution.
Perhaps, perhaps. Here it is just more direct. If famine goto loot (pillage).
As I understand, the crime is far more rampant in US than here. Our cops don't shoot ever, there is an ancient joke that they use their holsters to keep snacks.
Russia is rife with contradiction. But capitalists can flatten it through various methods, reactionary nationalism being the most potent.
The USA cannot abolish guns. Why they can't is a feature of its unique history: US whites began in the USA as settlers killing Native Americans for land. White people in the USA are not a "native" working class, they began as land owners and slavers. Hence the right was enshrined to them to own guns, whereas arming the working class in any European country was unthinkable, because they'd soon turn their guns on the ruling class. Whereas white s in the US began as a ruling class, there was no distinction between being ruling class and being white. Now that has obviously gone away, but the US police force cannot disarm the populace, especially white people because they'd revolt instantly. Whereas disarming people in Europe is easy, because we never had the right to bear arms in the first place.
Contradictions, yes. You haven't heard about Russian gun laws.
We literally started barely regulate shotguns when the 90s hit. And here Saigas and Veprs with 30rd drums are sold with almost zero paperwork.
Guns are irrelevant or close to, as far as I know.
Guns aren't irrelevant. Political power grows from the barrel of a gun, as Mao said. For whites in the USA, that means the political power to ensure their own superior position, no matter how tenuous it is, over Black people. It wasn't the government or police lynching and burning Black people alive and razing their businesses to the ground, it was the salt-of-the-Earth, American as Apple Pie whit working class and petty-capitalists. White working class people in the USA do not want to see themselves sink to the level of proletarianisation Black have, and will ally with their objective enemies (the US capitalists) to prevent it.
Communism is a stateless economy
Strangely, Mao is wrong here.
After ww2 there was a gun in every survived homestead in the country, and villagers held no power. During Soviet times you could get an AT rifle close for free if you've lived in thd North. And still, power was at Party's hands. Russian policemen were never able to hit a barn with their handguns, yet held all the power they could.
Power grows from unspoken agreement here not to start another civil war.
I got you ruskie. Will do or die trying.
The Soviet government was a workers party. There was no subjective need to take up arms against a party that already (ostensibly) represents you. I would argue the workers of the USSR should have had another revolution after the revisionist Khrushchev took power, but they didn't because it was still (ostensibly) for the working class. It was only once the USSR government (especially after the 1993 worker's riot in Moscow) fully transitioned to capitalism and it was clear capitalism was back they banned it.The 1993 constitutional crises marked the beginning of obvious class conflict returning to Russia. In fact, the 8th October 1993 was the bloodiest day in Moscow since 1917.
When theory meets practice you realize peasants don't want to give up their land, natives don't want to work in factories and people are loyal to institutions that stand in your way. So, people aren't complying, anarchists just want to complain about everything, the economy is in the toilet, what do you do?
You shouldn't die. This is a trap a lot of people got into.
I have been told by several professors that everything you hold dear is terrible. Therefore you, personally, are also terrible. I don't know you, but I know that you're racist. I also know that you hate gay people and still get scared during lightning storms. The religion which you hold closely, greatly believe in, and which brings you comfort--you are wrong because I'm smarter than you and I'm telling you so. It is one of the many reasons why you are stupid and I'm better than you. You see, us Democrats want a system which helps everyone in the world. Our system is designed around love and kindness to everyone. If you don't agree, I hate you.
It's not too late to change. If you knew your history, which of course you don't, you'll remember a time in America when Indians were dragged away from their homes and forced to assimilate into white society. Well, we want to change that kind of behaviour (sorry for my spelling, as I'm not from your country) by making sure you go to college and have a small apartment in a big, busy coastal city, where you belong. That will help you rid yourselves of your backward, incorrect culture and way of thinking.
We'll do everything we can to make sure you agree with us and say all the right things and not be brainwashed against thinking the same way we do. All of you stupid, backward, redneck, racist, homophobic, uneducated yokels need to realize we're trying to build a classless society where we all get to live in harmony with each other, where we're all equal. If you only understood that you wouldn't be so much worse of a person than I am.
So please vote Democrat.
Help me help you, you worthless motherfuckers.
ok cultist
>In fact, the 8th October 1993 was the bloodiest day in Moscow since 1917.
Surely, excluding Civil War, WW2, constant low-key gang warfare during the 90s?
Khrustchev was an asshole, sure, but he offered a deal to people- free mass housung in exchange of cronyism/olygarchy as a state regime. Russians took the deal. It all went downhill after that, as he has demolished private enterprise sector fostered by Stalin.
This man saw the writing on the wall back in the 1960's.
Khruschev was an arsehole revisionist and the people of the USSR should have had another revolution to remove him and his clique. He pegged production to profits and was a capitalist.
He was removed, though. But not his ideas.
There could be parallels to US. You took the Bush the 2nd deal of security and state intervention, and now reap it.
He was removed by the revisionist party, not the people. Only the proletariat could've eradicated him and his clique and reinstated proletarian authority over the party. Every party member who was not a worker at that point should've been forced to submit to the working class at gunpoint.
(((Practice))) never came close to theory
Sorry, but I can't clearly discern if you are trolling or not.
Your communist lexicon is so good that it looks like a parody. No Russian communist of today could match you even in native language.
I'm not trolling. I'm a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist.