Trump re-election

Is he going to win again in November? What are his chances?

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I've been having a hard time thinking of a workable game plan for the Democrats. I mean, I guess I could just be so biased that I can't see the forest for the trees I guess. But I just don't see how they can manage to defeat an incumbent president on the platform they're on.

Better than the media would have you believe, but it’s not a foregone conclusion. Right now I’d put it 60-40 on a Biden win, although things could drastically change by next week alone

He's going to survive covid, but there's no way he'll win reelection guaranteed in the White House bedroom with a coof.

Right now it's impossible to say but the fact that he may swiftly emerge victorious from SARS-CoV-2 is going to supremely boost his chances.

Right now people are seeing the vitriol and derangement of the left in their wishes for Trump to die. Meanwhile Trump is presenting himself as more human. There is more sympathy for him. The right is pulling together in this time of adversity.

My gut tells me he will sneak it but we'll see.

if he wins libs will seethe and that will be funny as fuck and if he loses Zig Forums will seethe and that will be as funny as fuck. To anyone not american, there is a massive bank of comedy in November

I can't even pretend to know what will happen tomorrow let alone the election in a month. I feel like he should win but I live among right wing people.

It's going to be a tight election for sure. In my neighborhood there is about an equal number of Trump and Biden signs. Yesterday there was a Trump Parade though.

The media isn’t showing any of that. All they’re seeing is the Democratic talking heads speaking with “le class and grace”. I think it can help Trump if he recovers quickly and spins this right

100% unless demonrats cheat, which they will attempt. The question is whether Trump is able to expose the demonrats lies and has enough balls not to step down

100%. He's done so much for Jews and Israel that (((they))) are going to do everything in their power to make sure he's re-elected, even if (((they))) have to pull another 2016 and monkey with the polls

I’ll put it this way. For the first time I’ve noticed signs for a democratic presidential candidate in my suburban area. You’ll see signs for local candidates of all parties, but I can’t recall ever seeing a Hillary or Obama sign around here. That said, I’ve rarely even seen a Trump sign either in the last cycle, and there’s tons of them around here now. People in the area just haven’t been as overtly political as they are now. There are probably more Trump than Biden signs, though

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I live amoung right wing people as well but I went and voted early for biden

The media could say Trump has a 1000% chance of winning and Republicans would still come out to vote straight Republican ticket. The media could say Biden has a 15% lead and Democrats will assume he is going to win and not vote like they did for Hillary.

I'd give it about 20%
All Biden has to do is hold HRC states and win Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, which he's consistently led polls in.

>Republicans would still come out to vote straight Republican ticket
They're high powered mutants that actually enjoy voting.

It's going to be a landslide by 11:30 PM Nov 3 2020 but then the determining factor will be just how crazy the Demonrats are and how much they're willing to risk to win it all or go down forever in ignominy. Will they try to pull out all the stops on the mail in ballots and scream right in everybody's face that they're willing to cheat lie and steal just to win?

I'm betting yes, they are that fucking insane.

Then the question becomes; what will the military do in the face of the Demonrat's fraud? The most obvious scenario is that the general staff is corrupt, they're all Demonrat appointees and they'll gladly go in with the Demonrat's fraudulent ballots. But will the rank and file let it happen?

Nov 3 might be a snooze, but it's looking to me like the beginning of a big coup/civil war.

My advice to the Demonrats and their fellow travellers; let the sleeping dog lie.

Honestly, 30%. Wish it was higher but I feel like the magic of last time is gone a bit. THIS IS NOT A DEMORALIZE POST VOTE YOU FUCKERS

Boomers will vote no matter what. It’s in their DNA. Unfortunately for Democrats Boomers skew Republican now

rank and file are dumb niggers who will obey orders

probably will win imo


>to be a landslide by 11:30 PM Nov 3 2020 but then the determining factor will be just how crazy the Demonrats are and how much they're willing to risk to win it all or go down forever in ignominy. Will they try to pull out all the stops on the mail in ballots and scream right in everybody's face that they're willing to

Funny you should mention letting sleeping dogs lie. but 2016 happened and trump was elected. That woke a whole bunch of dogs up

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The fuck they are. Anybody with an above room temperature IQ can see it. During the update on Trump's condition, they were literally screaming at the doctors. 'WUT WAZ HIS OXYGEN?'. They're trying to hard to prove that Trump can't preform his duty as President and pull him.

Theme Song, Trump Train coming by! ALL ABOARD!! LETSSSS GOOOO!!!

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There's an issue nobody on this thread is talking about.

1. Trump; Covid 19 is no biggie, let's get back to work and laisses les bons temps roulez.

2. Biden; "woe, armegeddon is upon us, we must stay locked down tight for the next 5 years, maybe forever!".

Which one will the American people choose?

I think that they're going to go for #1.

Chances are literally 50 percent. He either wins or he doesn't

I think he has quite a bit of potential, but the left loves to cheat, so it might be skewed against him

Step on an IED, towelhead.

No doubt in my mind

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based retard

This Covid fiasco has ironically boosted his election day turn out. It should have hurt him but the left has been behaving in such a cruel and vile way over it that a lot of fence sitters are voting against them now.

Those next debates are going to be haaard on Trump though so who knows.

I'm not sure Hell is having elections this year.