Germany is lost

Sorry bros

When I walk through the streets of Germany I just feel that this country is absolutely lost and there is no way to recover from it

I feel like burning my passport and moving to Poland

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my dream is to live in Germany

I've been to Munich, Dusseldorf and Frankfurt and it's fine, full of white people, stop taking this place so seriously. If you live in some shithole ghetto then move out

Coward, stay in your country. Poland is already going by the way of the US CIA color revolution. Poland will be worse in 5 years with the new American influence.

It’s the end of a cycle, Deutschebro. Not just in Germany, but all over the world.
Truly, we have been reduced to a cosmopolitan and disarticulated mass, but—cosmologically speaking—all is not lost.
Here’s the root of the root and the bud of the bud:
>There is no saving Western Civilization, which is decadent beyond repair or recovery.
>We are not the first, and we won’t be the last; nature is cyclical, and countless civilizations have come and gone.
>The only thing that matters is the silent, patient endurance of a few, whose impassible presence helps to create new relationships, new distances, and new values.
>The best we can do is ride the wave, and help to construct a pole that, although it will certainly not prevent this world inhabited by the distracted and restless masses from being what it is, will still help to transmit to someone the sensation of truth.

In this regard, remember that the lost and the damned should not be told: “Stop!” or “Turn around!” or “Wake up!” but rather:
>Go ahead! Achieve all your goals! Break the dams! Faster! You are unbound. Go ahead and fly with faster wings, with an ever greater pride for your achievements—with your conquests, with your empires, with your democracies! The pit must be filled; there is need for fertilizer for the new tree that will grow out of your collapse.

Be a man among the ruins. Optimism is cowardice, and everything else is folly.


Poland made the mistake of making itself culturally significant with Witcher 3, now CD Project Red = JQ Project BLACKED

in 20 years every major city will be non white majority

Idk where the fuck have you been but you can see the country changing more and more each year

>I feel like burning my passport and moving to Poland
Not wanna crush your hopes, but if shits gonna turn really bad, there will be droves of libs jumping shit real fast and coming over the border since they are actually the ones having all the connections and financial resources.

Eastgermany is still based

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I'd rather live in the Deutschland Caliphate than the Niggerized Jewtopia USA, desu.

Count your blessings Hans.

>implying that muslims won't become sissies like western euros
have you ever been in UK or Germany?
these based muslims are degenerate drug addcits and alcoholics

Yeah it's over. I converted to Islam and am learning Arabic now.
Mashallah, brothers.

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Dont care, fuck germany and their homo socialism.
Fuck the german controlled globalist EU.

too bad it won't help you with anything
muslims are being pacified, generation after generation
no one is resistant to 24/7 propaganda and given the fact that muslims are inbred sandniggers they will be turned into sissies faster than european man

you're an idiot, you will never be them because you're another race, a race that destroyed their own country. Who the fuck wants that.

Depends where you are. Big cities are shit in nearly every country.

>tfw no east german gf

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>Eastgermany is still based
you mean soviet rape babies lol
Sadly the German ethnicity was erradicated

People from the other places need to understand that their place is not safe but that other are just further down the line

kraut n proud

Maybe just keep your passport and move to Poland?

It wasn't being serious you retarded niggerfaggots.

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Fixed that for you.

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>kraut n proud
fair enough
people can not leave their ethnicity. There is no opt out option.

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got me good tho i was ready to seethe

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>moving to Poland
History suggests that plan will end poorly.

Who even gives a shit anymore?

ehhh i hate to check that one

I tried to get with 2 east german girls and one was a massive commie cunt NPC while being a only child of wealthy parents getting everything she wanted. They moved from the eat to the west in the 90s though, so that may be one reason she was such a cunt. The other wone was super sweet, warm and humble but I fucked it up and the distance played some part too. Women who got massively spoiled at a young age are always fucked in the head, nothing new.

trannyraid gave me irony-autism

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as degenerate culturally as germany + a bit cleaner, but also much poorer.
If you are too pussy to handle a bit of globohomo, and globohomo is relatively speaking in germany not nearly as bad as in other countries like the USA, then move to east germany. Cumskin.

Time to go to bed, frens.

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