Hello fellow NPCs

Must be right, I didn’t watch and I have no intention of verifying this independently. It was on CNN.

Attached: 31C9AB6A-C860-44F2-8BE2-769747812330.jpg (750x593, 356.6K)

they were tie

>Run: leftyspeak
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec elit viverra, eleifend enim at, molestie risus. Sed quam neque, varius sed libero ac, auctor commodo neque. Suspendisse vel tellus eu erat pretium pretium. Phasellus enim ex, laoreet ut egestas ac, maximus nec quam. Nulla varius neque ex, ac gravida metus fermentum a. Integer quis interdum leo. Suspendisse metus nulla, consequat vel nunc accumsan, ultricies ultrices quam. Praesent sit amet enim eu lectus faucibus malesuada varius eu mi.

Curabitur sollicitudin ligula ultrices, convallis urna auctor, rhoncus urna. Proin sit amet lectus auctor tellus viverra pharetra. Pellentesque ac pulvinar nulla. Pellentesque massa sapien, pharetra quis tempor sit amet, elementum sit amet ante. Sed suscipit eros id posuere dictum. Vivamus molestie lacus semper urna condimentum tempus ac non ex. In vestibulum nisi nec tempus pulvinar. Integer vitae dui lectus. Quisque ut dui congue, interdum ipsum sit amet, viverra felis. Vestibulum in ullamcorper dui, non elementum mauris.

It is true. Don’t forget to vote for Biden for the 2020 election on Iwillvote.com

>drumpf is done with his nazi policies
>foxnews is fake news!

>outright ridiculous polling

the headline is right if it was judged by most effective use of lie conjecture hysterics stupidity whining and sniveling

>5.3pt margin of error
Literally worthless.

Pretty smart approach. CNN hasn’t been wrong ever. It’s so awesome that our media is so good and trustworthy. I also am prepared to give up all of my rights as soon as Wolf Blitzer says so.

maybe it's a good thing, make more dems watch it (wanna see her win) and then cringe at both the divide in the party and at kamala in general