Zig Forums books

Many slide threads on Zig Forums right now
Let's play a game lads. We post based books we've read/are reading right now in this thread.
If you entered this thread, you must start reading one of the books posted by the other anons THIS WEEK. I'll start with three.
Currently reading pic related. Ernst's style is really pleasant to read, and the book gives a realistic but interesting perspective on WW1.

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Notes on the Third Reich
Very interesting, especially if you're looking for a non-cucked view at the Third Reich that doesn't suck its dick at all times.

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Harassment Architecture
American Psycho meets Ted Kaczynski
Great accelerationist novel, read it in one sitting. First book in a long time that made me actually laugh. Would recommend.

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Also, I'm looking for some books to add to my reading list. Right now, I want to have some books that talk about race realism, differences between the races, race and IQ, and things like that.

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Mein Kampf is honestly boring as fuck and poorly writen
3/10 wouldn't recomend



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The Secret Magic of Abramelin the Mage

It's happening again.

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