The only thing Pence did was spout archaic conservative talking points from the last 50 years and platitudes. He got absolutely murdered by Harris, who did not deny the Dems would pack the Supreme Court.
What the fuck happened to Zig Forums? You guys used to be smarter than this and would sniff out Zionist Pence's talking points, especially "mah Israel". At least when Zig Forums was libertarian and mostly Ron Paul acolytes they didn't give a shit about gay Zionist Republicans like Mike Pence.
Zig Forums said Trump won because he was more powerful but when Harris proves to be more powerful than Pence then being powerful doesn't matter. Very interesting and not NPC behavior at all.
Nothing the American public likes more than loud, ill-informed bossy KWAYNS.
Jonathan Fisher
excuse me, I'm talking here EXCUSE ME soo let's have a history lesson
Julian Cooper
Main thing that tripped up Pence was when he was asked if he would honor the results, you could tell he wanted to say yes but it would make Trump look bad so he had to talk about the military or something.
Nathan King
>trying to debate the results of a debate with opposing supporters Why are people so relentlessly retarded? Here you go OP >my guy win Your turn >no my guy win My turn >no You >no Ad infinitum
Pence is a gormless neocon and harris is a cunt Fuck off.
Lucas Bell
>Pence is a neocon absolute retardation
Jaxson Anderson
I don't think you know what platitude means and your use of it (as well as "archaic") stinks of the same sort of shit as anyone who uses the word troglodyte and is 100% of the time from tumblr. You aren't coming off as knowledgable for misusing/unnaturally inserting intellectual seeming words.