Women are ruining our society. What's wrong with them? How did it happen?

Women are ruining our society. What's wrong with them? How did it happen?

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They fuck ugly joggers. Just end me, please

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>at first
So they stopped?

Social media and liberal education fucked them up


> He was handsome


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no.....no.....no.....that's fake right? there's no way.....

he’s hot and I wanted him to rape me while watching the documentary

Is that Kyler Murray?

wow... I'm at a loss for words. This retard just nuked her genetic lineage.

they are a chaotic force which undoes civilization
they are an entropic force that acts on civilization to test its men

This shit gets more and more prolific every year

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This make perfect sense Woman are animals that follow instinct and murderers display dominance that modern female are not used to seeing so they flock to them. same shit goes for niggers really.

imagine letting women vote.

>Officer Coonrod

Why is everything a meme?

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Their both ugly

>Uh if you're an incel then that must mean you're a bad person. Women are only attracted to good people.

now its just conjugal visits;)

who the heck keeps posting threads about this guy on the daily?

If you marry a broad who treats you like shit, its on you not her.

1. This story is FAKE and staged. Standard faggot establishment pet "alpha chad" character and this (fake) incident was not treated the way any case like this is normally treated. This is fake and he's an actor.

2. Who is this guys plastic surgeon(s)? Zero signs of aging, other than graying and receding hairline that they didn't work on. Before this he would dye the gray out of his hair with black dye.

KEK i cant wait till you're miserable with your woman

I keep a coonrod in my closet for the coming civil war

Most of my relationships don't last longer than a month. I dated one girl for over a year, but thats it.

I honestly feel anything other than a long distance relationship is bound to fail. Show me a happily married man, I've yet to meet one.

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They bait and switch. Sweet as can be until the marriages papers are signed, then a demon emerges.
Unless you've seen it happen to others it's easy to fall for.

Haha great job bro. What faceapp filter did you use?

>women were a mistake

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uhhh HE'S TALL??

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Lmao you're a dumbo

I have a white wife and we're happily married with kids. The redpill is that women are a empty vessel, if they respect you they will become whatever you want them to be. Work on yourself.

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Women are obsessed with men who stand up for themselves, assert dominance, and generally don't give a fuck. Women detest men who are weak and timid. That's why women give men shit-tests. They need to judge the man's reaction to their bullshit to gauge his masculinity. They want men to straighten them out. Even feminists and co. want men to straighten them out, because it's all one giant collective shit-test. I wouldn't be surprised if those women who write letters to mass shooters are hardcore leftie white suburban women. They're generally the ones most desperate for male dominance since they've been pampered and treated with silk gloves their entire lives. Also yes this is why women fuck niggers

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