What did you study as an undergrad?

What did you study as an undergrad?

also how would you reform the higher education system in your country?

Attached: iq-by-college-major-gender.png (741x643, 66.4K)

Philosophy here. Get fucked brainlets

Finance & Entrepreneurship Double Major. Also Masters in Finance. I can talk to people and run numbers; I am unstoppable.

Masters Psychology/Behavior.. have own business with employees. Gonna probably do an MBA

penetration testing

Nice. Just be warned, MBA people are some of the skeeziest people I've ever met.

Chemistry + Math.

My body chemically restrains me from hating Asians more than I already do, hate is at 100% saturation. Mandarin feels like a scar on my brain,a whole section of my brain is dedicated to constantly filtering out the chips and frications.

Fuck I hate them so fucking much.

I wouldn’t change a thing, it functions as designed and it was designed as a fucking scam.
If I could do it over I wouldn’t go to school.

I think I'm one of the unlabeled dots but it's so hard to tell without the words.

Nah, MBA is just the default grad degree. It captures a wider range of people.

calm down there chief they are going to be your overlords soon