***Here are the REAL polls***

Just like in 2016, and kind of more so, people are afraid to say they'll be voting for Trump and are not responding to poll calls in fear of getting doxxed/harassed or are lying about being for Biden or undecided.

Meanwhile on the internet, people show what they truly believe - things they would never admit in public.

Attached: real polls.png (3224x3768, 2.84M)

Other urls found in this thread:


But but but MUH COPIUM

Attached: FF94D5DB-FE09-49FE-8F4F-53F756B1953C.png (1422x1626, 392.98K)

June 8 Letter from McLaughlin & Associates' John McLaughlin to the Trump campaign

>The latest skewed media polls must be intentional. It’s clear that NBC, ABC and CNN who have Democrat operatives like Chuck Todd, George Stephanopoulos and other Democrats in their news operations are consistently under-polling Republicans and therefore, reporting biased polls. They continue to poll adults or registered voters that skew away from likely voters. So instead of the 33% Republican turnout which actually happened in 2016, they are reporting polls on only 26%, 25% or even 24% Republicans. Since you get over 90% of the Republican vote, for every point fewer Republicans that they do not poll, they reduce your vote total by a point. In contrast CBS polled likely voters. CBS had 32% Republicans and a close national race. The bias seems to be an intentional strategy to suppress your vote. The latest media spin is that it’s too late to define Joe Biden and it’s too late for President Trump to win. We can hardly wait until they start spinning a “Biden electoral lock”. It has to be a strategy to counter the enthusiasm of Trump voters.

>For, example, the CNN poll out today is another skewed anti-Trump poll of only 25% Republican. It’s a poll of 1,259 adults – not even registered voters, let alone likely voters. Also, it was done between June 2ndand 5th, before the great economic news from last Friday. In their questionnaire between asking about your job approval and the ballot, they had questions on issues including race relations, not job creation, which could have biased the poll further. It appears that the CNN poll is biased in both sample and questionnaire design to manufacture an anti-Trump outcome."

Among McLaughlin & Associates' clients are the Republican National Committee, Rick Scott, Pete King, Steve Forbes, Netanyahu, American Express, Blue Cross and Monsanto.

Link to data?

>The real polls are people googling
>Trump will win every state including California and New York

Come on

I always told my friends in 2015 I supported Trump to much shock and horror and today at least 1/3 of them jumped boat and are pro Trump. Never be ashamed for voting for the only fuckin guy on stage who isn’t advocating white erasure, affirmative action, and reparations for niggers centuries later. Like what the fuck, how pussy are these people. If you don’t make a stand now you might as well abandon this nigger spic filled nation.

Google trends

Oy vey

Never said that and you're a faggot for insinuating that is the intention of this thread

New York maybe. Do know how many people flee New York this year?

I'm a potato nigger on a phone. Help a brother out. I've got 3500 riding on this with more to come.

I gave sauce. Idk what you want, you can save the image and share it on your phone.

>anonymously polling thousands of people deliberately asking "are you voting trump"
>>fake news
>50 npc's for some reason googling "Im voting trump"
>>libshits btfo
now this is a cope

Attached: 1571452376756.jpg (733x464, 92.27K)


Asking a random person who they're voting for who was otherwise busy with something else/doesn't necessarily care about politics or the candidates is a bad poll

Someone intentionally googling shit about the election is more likely to actually show up to the polls

Playing devil's advocate here,
>past 12 months
Of course you'll get more results for Trump. Biden wasn't even the nominee until a few months ago.

1 million dead etc were forcibly removed for the Cali voter rolls, thank you Judicial Watch.

>"now this is a cope"

Attached: 1599606317934.png (925x900, 718.45K)

Text not readable on device. Blurred. Anyway look at this. I interesting. Voter reg swap searches skyrocketing.

Attached: Screenshot_20201008-181152_Chrome.jpg (1440x2960, 505.92K)


try this link instead, can you see imgbb on phone?


Not all states require you to register with your party so this is potentially a nothingburger for most of those states. That’s interesting though

>It has to be a strategy to counter the enthusiasm of Trump voters.
Or strategy for making it more believable when they try to steal the election from Trump.


Attached: dfe.png (1130x900, 16.81K)

>who are you voting for?
>I mean trump. Im just so gosh darn busy fisting myself
there are at most 3 answers to choose from. theyre not being asked how the fucking internal combustion engine works

A large portion of eligible voters don't even actually vote. How do they figure out if someone they called said they were more likely to vote Biden, but didn't feel strongly enough about him to even bother showing up?

Start punching in phases. Positive and negative ones about candidates. See how much people are searching


>***Here are the REAL polls***
lmao Unskewed Polls. That was fucking hilarious when all the goptards believed that the press was lying about Obama/Romney polling and Romney was on the way to a landslide.

Anyone have some explanation for this? My explanation would be that people who search these things are a small, bizarre subset of people. I have never decided that I would Google "I love Trump" on my own.

Attached: honestly_surprised.png (1158x611, 73.6K)

Lol. I live in NY. It’ll never happen. Trump will sadly lose by around 30% here thanks to NYC bloc voting 90% dem in 4 out of 5 boroughs.

So you straight up don't understand how a timeline graph works? hahahahaha dude american education system has fucking failed us

those arent polls dipshit

Wow, that's very interesting....

The fly was CGI.


I switched to dem just for the fun of it.

seriously. if a pollster called me i'd try to say i'm an apolotical non-voter. saying you support trump, are you kidding? trump supporters get harassed and murdered regularly. and it's easy enough to dox someone if you have their phone number. i live in a super liberal city, i'd probably get blacklisted from the large corporations here for supporting trump. and ti wasn't like this in 2016. in 2016 i actually went to a rally. now i wouldn't do that. things are a lot more tense now. 2016 had a joking atmosphere and everyone was light hearted, we thought trump was funny and didn't like hilary because she's an insufferable bitch. now? it's open hostility and everyone has gone dark.

i'm certain trump will win 2020 but i'm curious about 2024.

Oh Dems are honest about polls. When they favour them.

Attached: romney.jpg (1154x1024, 89.46K)

Polls are just for voter or turnout suppression.

yes. they're looking for confirmation from places like quora and r*****. like say, "i hate windows 10." you would be looking for posts by people who also hate win 10 so you stop feeling crazy for it.

Yeah, but that's super close.

Look at how much closer this is

Additionally some states are actually coloured blue

the election was not

Attached: result.png (431x420, 113.59K)