>Ex-army tech worker, 31, pleads guilty to murdering 23-year-old Utah college student Mackenzie Lueck after meeting her on a sugar daddy app then strangling her in his home >Ayoola A. Ajayi pleaded guilty on Wednesday to murdering Mackenzie Lueck >He met Lueck in June 2019 on an app that matches women with sugar daddies >He plotted to murder her before taking her back to his home in Salt Lake City >The pair met up in a park and he then drove her back to his house where he tied her up and choked her >Ajayi pleaded guilty as part of a deal that removed charges of child porn he had been facing >He is expected to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole
>Prostitute hasn't learnt the "No blacks" rule of whoring >Pays with her life Yeah no surprise
Andrew Phillips
Woman have become Virtual beggars. I’m 42 and I get hit up by all these sub 30’s woman wanting money, sugar daddies, asking me outright to help pay for school or rent, it’s fucking sad and pathetic. So much for women being equal to men, they clearly need us because they’re incapable of supporting themselves.
I see these incidents happen all the time. It hints at a larger scheme. That there is systematic murder going on, made to look like average black crime.
Isaac Myers
She probably enjoyed till the point she tapped out but he didn't stop.
Kevin Wood
I remember this case. She was a literal whore, even had an alt Instagram account centered around it. She went straight from her grandmother's funeral to meeting a stranger at a park in a city she's never been at like 3:00 AM, at which point she disappeared. Her family were in absolute denial over what she was up to, but the true crime enthusiast circles just kept digging up more and more until it was a certainty and her family and officials were begging people to stop tarnishing her reputation with facts. The guy that killed her a robot incel through and through. He hired her as an escort and decided to try to knock her out and keep her as a sex slave in his basement, but hit her too hard and killed her.
Jose Reed
Carter Torres
I'm sure this was caused by systemic poverty and historical discrimination...
White women are inferior, I hope white men will not interact with them and will agree to reproduce artificially.
Adrian Miller
How much did she charge
Andrew Stewart
>sugar daddy app lmao we need more sugar daddies like him
Michael Martinez
The problem is Instagram. They see thousands of Instathots living a glamorous lifestyle, jetsetting around the world, driving Jaguars or Mercs, new Gucci bags every week, and they want it too. And they're willing to sell their pussy in their late teens/early twenties for it.
Instagram killed western women.
Christopher Bell
PhD in gender studies has spoken.
Caleb Long
y yeah but those are just a couple thousand isolated incidents. What about that one white guy who cheated on his wife huh? huh???
>coal burning whore dead >pajeet "poo in it" code monkey job stealer in prison for life lmao
Joseph Hill
Honestly I think it's an improvement. Women have been doing this since the dawn of time - what is marriage other than a trade of a man's resources for a woman's holes? At least now women are waking up to the fact that their entire gender is, was, and always will be fated for literal prostitution. Their finally achieving a measure of self-awareness is proof that taking the lead out of gasoline did actually raise the mean IQ of humanity.
>>Ajayi pleaded guilty as part of a deal that removed charges of child porn he had been facing
>>He is expected to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole Good thing he plead out those child porn charges. He might get 20 more years on top of life with no parole.
Alexander Myers
Burn these niggers alive.
Ryan Bell
Toll paid in full. Next order of business.
Asher Taylor
Bentley Garcia
> Next order of business. Docket no. 14881356: Are traps gay?
Jose Hill
Oh no, this hardly ever happens. Another one for the paid in full section subsection of my coal toll folder.
Yup. I was dating a beautiful girl, raised Catholic, very conservative. But as IG became more popular, she became an IG thot, desperate for likes from foreigners. Unfortunately for her, you need millions of followers to actually make a live off that, so her 14k wasn’t enough. Such waste.
John Edwards
Who cares? White women are the most disgusting, entitled trash in western society. Hope she suffered.