The Euro is based on the Deutsche Mark
German banks to buy influence and puppet other countries by forcing laws, buying politicians, influencing culture
They import immigrants to terrorize the population and as a source of cheap labor
The EU is Nazi germany
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lol i wish m8
But European are not in control of it! You know who is...
I wonder from who they could get this idea
i wish man, but unfortunately its far left USSR in blue
Germans are barbarian Huns
it's literally just a trade block
the German hands have control over your country, people are brainwashed into thinking it's just economics, but it's total political domination
Me on the left
buy breaking Euro-colonialism by occupation of Euro colonials in WW2, Hitler freed more people than anyone else in history by a factor of at least 10X.
Naturally, all the worst aspects of "European" colonialism was being done by Jews, and Whites were doing the nice parts like bringing in nice Western tech improvements.
That is a big never discussed reason why Jews hate Hitler.
NATO is basically Waffen SS.
"just a trade block" yet you've given up any say in WTF race of people you see on the street when you open your front door.
I fucking wish, these guys are retards
more like zionazi-germany
You on drugs right now?
Finland was never Nazi. Stop pushing this fucking meme.
The nose knows...
this is not a meme
no, I don't do drugs, I'm dead serious
>wilhelm declared first world war
Stupid. Wilhelm tried to get Tsar Nicholas to stop mobilization against Austro-Hungary in order to prevent further escalation.
The Germans wanted to escalate to the war, it's their fault
This is so retarded I don't even know where to begin.
yeah? How about you start from the fact that Germany has complete dominance over the EU
you are the sargon of pol m8
exept twice as cringy
>The EU is Nazi germany
no user. this is incorrect.
But the EU is a/the new Reich. In a way. Not really, but sort of.
Let me explain...
(((op))) knows
Ashkenazi Germany. It was right there for you you stupid Swedish fuck.
>that little grey island in the heart of Europe
instant erection!
first off, let me explain why germoney is germoney.
we are at the centre of europe, we have adequate waterways and a well educated skilled workforce. Add to this some capital, fertile land and you can see why germany is always a part of the story.
e.g. destroy the kaiser. ok. nazi's arise. destroy the nazi's, postwar germoney arises...are you seeing a pattern here yet?
the pattern is that germoney rises. the next question is why does it arise?
the reason germoney rises is because of structural relevance. germony, for reasons that are related to its demography as well as it's geography at the centre of the european plain. it is integrated into the rest of the plain goegraphically, and now economically and politically.
it is inevitable, until the germans have decided to become something else, that germoney will rise. it is in the middle, it is big, and it has the population to exploit these.
this is why the eu is the new Reich. we didn't lose divisions of soldiers to make it. it isn't the nazi reich, nor the holy roman empire - yet for the same reasons those existed the new Reich exists.
any reasoning that fails to account for this basic reality isn't worth the shine on a fresh dog turd in the early morning sunshine.
post soup or GTFO
Well, didn't the germ-mans make the plans for a united europe right after WWII? It's literally a continuation.
It was De Gaulle which financed and made an agreement with UK and West Germany to form the first trade block.
Fuck off shitskin!
U sound like a Nazi :[
Pic remotely unrelated
case in point
so you're like a intellectual undead horde of alpha breeders that are geographically blessed and destined to dominate all your neighbors?