look what you racist 4channers have done this time why do you keep the man down all the time?
Look what you racist 4channers have done this time why do you keep the man down all the time?
Michael Jordan is GOAT
does Zig Forums really watch nba
Sports are escapism, and people seem to forget that.
Not everyone wants a 24 hour news cycle, people just want to escape politics. That was the initial point of the national anthem, for a few moments we are all civnat cucks, we are all Americans before competitors.
Don’t watch it next season either because all it’s gonna do is allow them to flag rent the funds to do it the season after and the players the funds to continue influencing children.
Let these retards starve for life, don’t give your enemy a second wind like a retard
Good, fuck niggers.
Still won't watch.
How can we turn this into
>Black lives matter more than jewish profits!
bread and circuses
Too fucking late. I'll never watch monkeydunk again.
When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them
In completely unrelated news, half the NBA teams are owned by Kikes.
NBA will never recover
>republicans buy shoes too
Daily reminder that Kike Silver is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation.
"Silver was born into a Jewish-American family and grew up in Rye, New York, a northern suburb of New York City in Westchester County.[1][2] He attended Rye High School and graduated in 1980.[3]"
"Silver was appointed to Duke University’s Board of Trustees in 2015 and received the 2016 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Chicago Law School. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and The Business Council, and serves on the Board of Trustees for The Rockefeller Foundation and as a Vice Chairman of the Board of the Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation."
"He was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations."
I am honestly surprised the NBA is willing to change/shift their SJW policies. I expect the BLM propaganda to stick around. The NBA will buckle to the pressure
Fuck niggers
Lol until 2024, that is
This. They are just normalizing it down enough that they can keep getting paid while demoralizing and subverting. Never support anything that promotes niggers.
>ever having watched apehoop in the first place
You were never white and you never will be.
It's too late, I'm not coming back until all current players careers are over.
Literally a character from Der Jude
Nigger fatigue is real.
I took all the money I was going to spend on the state sport of Utah and built my own basketball court with it.
Much better use of my free time.
Don’t go back guys. They showed their ass. Remember it.
they care less about propaganda than they do about normies saving money or spending money on self improvement.
>In completely unrelated news, half the NBA teams are owned by Kikes.
The most kiked of pro sports
You have to include the sponsorship of KFC in the picture.
(Not a joke)
OH NO NO NO NO NO!!! Jews are getting cucked by BBC!!!!
"Nichols married film and music video director Max Nichols,[20] son of film and stage director Mike Nichols, in a Jewish ceremony in Venice in 2001.[21] Together, they have two children, twin daughters.[22][23] She also has one older brother and one younger brother.[24]"
This. Art of war niggas now is not the time to show mercy.
The previous commissioner, David Stern, was also a CFR Jew.
NBA confirmed for globalist psyop.
I honestly suspect the Democrats will get their wish, to see black people earn less for playing sports - it was threatening their power.