Would you ?

Would you ?

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Sure. Wouldn't kill children to do it though.

push her over? of course

I want to breed her, impregnate her, non stop, all day.

just imagine your face under that dress

gross probably doesn’t even have a cute dick

Is that bootleg Angela White?

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Host a drive-in movie on her forehead? Sure.


Shouldn’t I?...

Push her off the bridge? Yes.

>elbows too pointy

Yes user, I imagine... Spreading that ass and slowly inserting my throbbing dick into it then release buckets of hot sperm into her wet fertile wombs.


3D is pig disgusting.

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go back to /b

Does she have a masculine clitoris?

oh hell yeah brother

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Chris was an asshole for killing his family, no fucking doubt about it, but for that ass, I mean I don't excuse it but at least start to udnerstand.

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How many wombs does she have?

checked fuck i forgot her name but damn that ass

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She seems nice and friendly.

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I pound that cougar proper, but wouldn’t kill my family for it lmao

I'd cum on her face just to cover it up.

I'd totally murder my pregnant wife and two young daughters for that ass.

search for chris watt, his story is famous (sadly)

They just came out with a documentary. Pretty good

Look at them, it was definitely worth it.

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Why not just leave the wife if you felt that strongly about it?

He would have to pay for child support, don't know the law in Colorado but given he cheated the guy was fucked.
Beside he was already beyond broke and considering how much of a cunt her wife was she wouldn't have let him get away easily.

>I'm determined

I trust you bro.

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>Why not just leave the wife if you felt that strongly about it?
You can't just "leave your wife" in the US. The courts will ream you in the ass for the eternity. Alimony, child support, you're done.

>Would you ?

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fuck him. He is a fucking POS cunt on a grand scale. I hope he gets buttfucked daily in the shower. Fucking scumbag, killing his own kids.

>Beside he was already beyond broke
They were only broke because of that dumbass McMansion. They made good money.

Nice sixhead but those look to be full, supple juggs

yeah but nothing more stable than a quickie in the pub's restrooms

The mansion was on mortgage, they already declared bankrupcy once and spend fortune on restaurant, medical fees and school fees for the girls, worst of all a new boy was on the way.
yes they made some money but they ddin't know how to spend it.

Stop watching porn

>impregnate her,

and cant fucking cook, apparently

Look at that fridge

She's already old, if she doesn't have kids by then she's made for BBC

dem leg mussels

Jump head first? You bet.