Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences

How is this such a hard concept for Zig Forums to understand?

Yes you can spout whatever racist shit you want on the streets in public, the government wont arrest you. But that doesnt mean you can control what others think of you. That means your friends could leave you for being a vile racist, and your employer is free to fire you for saying something disgusting like the n word.

Everything has consequences, and part of being an adult is learning to take responsibility for your actions. Your "rights to free speech" or "muh 1A" are no way being violated here.

Why dont y'all refuse to understand something so simple? Why do you pretend to play the victim of "censorship"?

Attached: free_speech_2x.png (1132x1155, 110.58K)


Shut up nigger.


>you are free to rob the store
>you just have to suffer the consequences
question: are you free?

Kill the government of Sweden. Enslave the Swedish people. Don't allow evil to exist. Don't allow jews, Arabs and niggers to exist outside of Africa and the middle east. Fluoride toothpaste is for fags

>french flag

all fields

Attached: A_rebuttal_to_that_stupid_fucking_XKCD_comic_that_everyons_posts..png (757x3030, 265.73K)

Suicide is an option bro

Yes, you made a very valid point OP. Even as a Nazi myself, I find it hypocritical for us to be acting as the "defenders of free speech" when we want to take it away from normal folks.