Pence needs to stop mansplaining

Pence needs to stop mansplaining

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Only if women stop bitching.

I'd take mansplaining over womenfailing any day

>complaining about mansplaining when harris literally felt the need to explain to the audience what 'Debt' and 'Bounties' meant

Last time a woman gave me that look, I spent some time in jail for battery.

She probably rehearsed that 100 times. Fucking snarky indian Karen, and her abject ignorance and clear ineptitude was astonishing

pic related. /thread

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I want to mansplain my balls into her blown out asshole.

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ok you fucking mexican nigger rape baby from signapore cia asset we wont explain shit just get in the windowless van lest you be anally raped in the parking lot with a tire iron

Just power tactics implemented to control and silence dissident voices.

>man opens mouth

Ummm sweetie stop man splaining

Here's a word that doesn't exist - womanstanding. Why not? Because women cant understand rational logic. That's why they hear things that involve more cerebral activity than feeling something and get frustrated and confused. They begin to blurt out other words that dont exist like, for instance, mansplaining.

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That woman looks like a baboon

But he's literally there to debate her. Isn't he supposed to correct her? How is this mansplaining? I thought that was a joke term anyway. How can the left be so stupid? They've lost all sense of reason.

its like she was preparing to debate trump

The mansplaining barely started

it's a debate. the whole point is to argue and interject on opposing views. are these people pretending to be retarded?

forgot to add that they both had similar time (in seconds) when all was said and done. why is this worthy of outrage?

I like it

Americans have been dealing with these tactics for the past 20 years, and they continue to spread because they are incredibly successful. At what point does violence become the only acceptable response?

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ummm sweaty, if you disagree with a woman ever, you’re mansplaining.
STOP *clap* BEING *clap* A *clap* BIGOT

because women are not capable of arguing in any serious fashion. they have to resort to shaming, to whining, to using buzzwords. Kunt Kamala is a smug arrogant bitch without any principles at all

this, democracy does not work if they other said is just gonna declare everything you do to be mansplaining, racism, homophobia etc

Kick women out of politics


Meanwhile that bitch told people what “debt” is. She can go eat fucking shit.

Only cunty, obnoxious niggers have ever had that disgusting look on their faces


Based Ireland. Give them Irish sunglasses instead.


Why do women want to be like men? It's so fucking unattractive.

What is he frying uwu

>Kick women

Excuse me, I'm reclaiming my time! You can't just call out my lie!

Looks like a battered sausage.


because women are supposed to be emotional and not in politics. Politics is rational.

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Ay... hear hear. This lad gets it.

My favorite part was how Pence MANSPREADED his giant brass ballsack over the plastic walls and gave cumallah the BWC that she enjoys every night.
And shes indignant enough to say she didnt like it. What a Cunt
Why did he do it? Can he not control himself?

>what is a Kafka Trap?

Also, her explanation of bounty was retarded
>When someone puts a price on your head
OK if I'm retarded enough to not know what a bounty is, how the fuck should I know what that means?

he's making a corndog u retards

>no corn in the webm
>no dog in the webm

i know that look too... she's cunting

>Battering a frozen corndog
>WAY the fuck above the max fill line
Is this that weirdo goblino spic that undercooks chicken and has all kinds of food gore?

If that thing becomes president i will never talk to a burger in my life ever again.

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is this really the best argument they can find after Kamala got slaughtered by some religous electritian?

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uppity smug bitch, fuck these whores