New war footages from both sides # > Armenians wrecked an Azeri convoy in broad daylight >According to people in Odessa, Aliyev is recruiting fighters from "Praviy Sector" and "Azov" groups, >Armenia claims to have struck a major fuel depot in Azerbaijan and said the footage will be released soon >Armenia claim that Azery marmy was repelled last night during an attempted attack, leaving 60 azeris dead as well as 40 units of tech destroyed > Leader of NK calls for a creation of anti-terrorist coalition > Armenia may make concessions over Karabakh if Azerbaijan is ready to do the same: TASS > Bashar al assad accusses erdogan of instigating war in Armenia and others > Missile attacks by Azerbaijan against cities of sushi and stepanakert have caused civilian casualties > Clusterbomb munitions used in stepanakert residential area bombing > Missile seen stuck in front of an energy block in azerbaijan, accused armenia of targeting civilian energy infrastructure. > Azerbaijani bombs hit Stepanakert, civilian perspective [Open] > Armenian tactical retreat turned out to be a trap set for azerbaijani forces. Currently waiting on confirmation from images over the 200KIA claim. > Canada suspends Turkish arms exports amid allegations in Armenia-Azerbaijan fight (drone optics) ~nationalpost QRD???: [Open] >kim kardes from azerbajanny retweeted this QRD
Reminder that Cultures retain elements of their spiritual background in the absence of faith. Turkish culture is fundamentally Islamic in terms of its value system no matter how secular its iteration. Islam has fully embedded itself in it, making it so that even secular Turks are in a sense Islamic.
"This nation is intemperate and lustful as no other people, incontinent beyond all races and insatiate in licentiousness. It is so inflamed by passion that it never ceases unscrupulously and dissolutely from having intercourse by both natural and unnatural means with females, males, and dumb animals."
riddle me this fellas. genocide is when an ethnic group is specifically targeted with violence, right? that says to me that it is illogical and impossible to simultaneously commit more than one genocide, otherwise "an ethnic group" isn't "specifically" being targeted, right? so, if turks are accused of "triple genocide" of assyrian, greek and armenian people, largely around the same time, then it's something other than genocide following this logic. what im saying is, from out of the three, two has to drop the act if they want to properly accuse turks of commiting genocide.
Name one war where Greece fought on same side as Germany and i will respect Gr**ks. Cashing in on your tourist traps, european periphery, and lingering attachment to christianity to suck Merkel’s glorious tits with... with a straight face. Wow. Imagine being a gay reek.
>fought on same side as Germany Nigger we win our wars
Easton Brooks
Seems like a cope. Turks are way less 'degenerate' than Europeans.
Wyatt King
nah, im laz
Isaac Reed
how do you manage to breathe with an iq this low
Adrian Roberts
So basically all of the chad men and trad women converted to Islam in Greece and became Turks. And all the incels and sluts stayed Gr**k.... amirite? This is why Greece has no foreign policy, just follow orders from the Brits and EU. Meanwhile Turks trigger everyone all the time.
Hitler killed more than just Jews...was that not a genocide either?
David James
Brody Morales
Adam Sanchez
The sooner the better.
Colton Rivera
>proud of winning WWI and WWII Why didnt you let Mussolini use your ports? You fired first shot against the axis. The only valid powers are central/asia, the rest are jewed.
Carson Harris
At least you didn't place them as Europeans Mehmet