Break it down for a brainlet

How to make a song go viral? Does buying fake views actually work? If we can figure this out couldn't /pol just push redpilled musicians, actors, etc to replace the (((deep state))) ones?

Attached: jewish puppet.jpg (1080x1440, 239.84K)

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The thing is you need to penetrate into all of the infinite fractured social media instances. which can only happen organically if the operators decide not to stop it, or by the social media company themselves, with internal control flow.

the music industry is owned 100% by Jews
They push what they decide is the next big thing
Adele and Billie Eilish didnt become popular because they are good
So everything you hear on the radio is 100% decided to be there by Jews

viral bands work because music conglomorates will throw 200 million on a promo campaign in order to get back 1 billion on an artist. Or at least that's how it used to work. There's very little money in music these days.

Max out your Credit card, pay addison rae 50 thousand $ to twerk to your retarded crappy song, in one week, your song Will be on the billboard charts, pay back the Credit card Company when you get your first payment from Spotify after 3 months. This is the best advice u Will ever get. Say thank u nigger

indeed I remember in the early days Eilish was called out as an industry plant. (((they))) overrode such concerns with repetition. I'm convinced normies dont like music because it is "good" but because they think other people like it and through repetition.

cuck thread

>addison rae
had no idea who she was. By the looks of her IG she has a lot lower belly fat, has a fridge body and looks like a mutt. Is this what zoomers think is hot? and 50k for that outrageous

Actually writing something in the name bar.
Clean ur cookies and go back to gaggit, try again next week

Then fuck u nigger, No more FREE advice for u, Just post ur crappy garageband song to myspace, and hope u get discovered, u have to spend money to make money, u fat jewish nigger