Hello. I am a white American English tutor in Taiwan. Two weeks ago I was working with a student- a 12 year old girl. Her English is pretty low level so we are just doing basic stuff now.
I asked her to write down what animal she is afraid of as a basic discussion topic. She said she is not afraid of any animals. I asked if there is anything she is afraid of. To my horror, write down “black people.” I was speechless and literally but I didn’t say anything. I just ended her topic and moved on to something else.
Two weeks later now, and I haven’t been able to sleep properly since that day. I keep going over it again and again in my head, and I think I should have done or said something.
I will see the kid and her parents again this weekend. What should I do? I’m thinking about going to the police but others have advised me just to have a stern conversation with the parents. I’m honestly at a loss for what to do as I’ve never encountered something like this before.
My story is 100% true btw, not copypasta and not larp.
This is pretty funny OP but really we are busy sending our energy to our brothers in South Africa. Try again some other day.
Jaxson Turner
>What do? Hug her, tell her to never chage, tell her she's based and redpilles and give her an ice cream
Ayden James
Sounds like she's a smart young girl with a bright future ahead of her. You shouldn't harass her or her family any further.
Jayden Diaz
There were some typos in my original post, here’s the fixed version:
> Hello. I am a white American English tutor in Taiwan. Two weeks ago I was working with a student- a 12 year old girl. Her English is pretty low level so we are just doing basic stuff now.
I asked her to write down what animal she is afraid of as a basic discussion topic. She said she is not afraid of any animals. I asked if there is anything she is afraid of. To my horror, she wrote down “black people.” I was speechless and literally shaking but I didn’t say anything. I just ended the topic and moved on to something else.
Two weeks later now, and I haven’t been able to sleep properly since that day. I keep going over it again and again in my head, and I think I should have done or said something.
I will see the kid and her parents again this weekend. What should I do? I’m thinking about going to the police but others have advised me just to have a stern conversation with the parents. I’m honestly at a loss for what to do as I’ve never encountered something like this before.
My story is 100% true btw, not copypasta and not larp.
Please advise.
Ethan Gray
Kill all niggers to protect her
Landon Peterson
please kill yourself OP. Do the world a favor.
Oliver Howard
she lied, when you asked, what animal are you afraid of, she should have answered niggers
Ethan Powell
you should probably try killing a nigger to make yourself feel better
Jaxson Russell
the problems with the inclusion and diversity bullshit faggots push companies to do now is that it only ever cares about le minoriteee and never takes into account the >perpetrator's shit into account. like some nigger crying cause some white bitch clutch her purse when he stepped onto an elevator what if she had been robbed before? by niggers no less and has PTSD? what if this student is the same and has negative experiences with niggers?
Matthew Walker
Don't read the Merriam-Webster dictionary, read the Oxford English Dictionary for goodness' sake.
Ayden Scott
You tell her it's okay to hate black people. You tell her you understand because 13% 56%. You'll tell her she's your favorite student of all time. You'll praise her good judgement of people and set her as the example for all the Taiwanese children you teach. And lastly, hop on a plane and stop brainwashing children from Asia.
Camden Howard
>American >our brothers
I guess you are talking about the niggers right?
William Walker
niggers is indeed the most dangerous animal in the world
Hunter Johnson
Sorry I’m new here, but I was told this was a progressive politics forum. Surprised to see some of the responses so far. Frankly, I’m appalled.
Ethan Hill
Hello. I am a white American English tutor in Taiwan. Two weeks ago I was working with a student- a 12 year old girl. Her English is pretty low level so we are just doing basic stuff now.
I asked her to write down what animal she is afraid of as a basic discussion topic. She said she is not afraid of any animals. I asked if there is anything she is afraid of. To my horror, write down “black people.” I was speechless and literally but I didn’t say anything. I just ended her topic and moved on to something else.
Two weeks later now, and I haven’t been able to sleep properly since that day. I keep going over it again and again in my head, and I think I should have done or said something.
I will see the kid and her parents again this weekend. What should I do? I’m thinking about going to the police but others have advised me just to have a stern conversation with the parents. I’m honestly at a loss for what to do as I’ve never encountered something like this before.
My story is 100% true btw, not copypasta and not larp.
Please advise
Jackson Ortiz
Why not just buy her a gun and tell he to use it if any blacks bother her?
Kevin Roberts
Newsflash pal, we hate niggers around here and you don't fit in
Zachary Smith
this isnt reddit, this is clearly bait,also who calls police on someome for being afraid of another race? very low iq thinking here.
Mason Powell
Are you joking about the part where you can't sleep and want to punish an Asian babe because a foreign woman from a foreign part of the world said a offensive joke at a foreign people that isn't your own people? In that case, get a vasectomy. Otherwise, I believe you got a VPN switched to Taiwan and came up with a story. If so, well done.
>Newsflash pal Watch it there, Polski. We're getting pretty close to a 4th Reich with that kind of language.
Jaxson Gutierrez
>rapped How will I ever recoup from a good rapping session?
Jose Harris
Good, mighty Switzerland shall rule the world
Connor White
just ignore it you stupid fag.
did you run away from a CP query in the States
Cameron Fisher
Yes I was joking about that part. I actually hate niggers too. The rest of the story is true though, the girl really did write that.
Landon Smith
>I asked if there is anything she is afraid of. To my horror, write down “black people.” It's a completely natural thing that has to be beaten out of every child. Don't blame the child, it has merely been poorly conditioned and hasn't yet learned to relax around melanated individuals.
The police? That's not enough. That's clearly a task for SUPERMAN
Colton Murphy
She will live a long, happy, life. un-raped, un-beaten, and un-abbandoned with a nigglet half breed abomination.
Do nothing but take a lesson from your student.
Josiah Ross
Hello. I am a black Congolese *click-tk-clock* tutor in America. Two weeks ago I was working with a student- a 12 year old girl. Her clocking is pretty low level so we are just doing basic stuff now.
I asked her to write down what animal she is afraid of as a basic discussion topic. She said she is not afraid of any animals. I asked if there is anything she is afraid of. To my horror, write down “white people.” I was speechless and literally but I didn’t say anything. I just ended her topic and moved on to something else.
Two weeks later now, and I haven’t been able to sleep properly since that day. I keep going over it again and again in my head, and I think I should have done or said something.
I will see the kid and her parents again this weekend. What should I do? I’m thinking about going to the police but others have advised me just to have a stern conversation with the parents. I’m honestly at a loss for what to do as I’ve never encountered something like this before.
My story is 100% true btw, not copypasta and not larp.
Please advise
Ayden Miller
boo corny
Brayden Lewis
does taiwan even have any niggers?
Benjamin Ward
No one checked these digits? Is this for real? Is there anyone from Zig Forums still here or is this literally all just bots and shills?
Sebastian Turner
Rascism is a new word that is intended to look like Fascism. The girl was describing a prejudice. So what? Chill out.