Capitalism is a complete failure

Women are selling their bodies for money.

Most men fail to get rich and have to work 12 hours a day just to support a small family.

The amount of people thriving in today's capitalistic society are extremely small.

It is a complete failure and must be abolished.

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Coffee are selling their bodies for money.

Most beans fail to get rich and have to work 12 hours a day just to support a small cafe.

The amount of coffees thriving in today's capitalistic society are extremely small.

It is a complete failure and must be abolished.

>replace the system that has raised literal billions out of abject poverty with a system that has failed multiple times within a few decades
Capitalism has its failings but most of them can be attributed to other problems such as consumerism, manufactured obsolescence, cronyism and government regulation to name a few

The fact that you can sit here with a laptop connected to the internet in a warm home with food in your stomach speaks volumes to the complete success of capitalism, you're just a greedy nigger that can't comprehend the idea of other people contributing more to society than you could ever dream of
>Bezos so rich!
Yes and he's also responsible for hundreds of thousands of transactions and deliveries at incredible speeds every single day
What I'm more concerned with is whats being done with the money they earn and how they use it to mold society to their ends, not the fact that they have it

what's wrong with her protruding shoulder blade?


I, on the other hand, believe coffee is good for you.

Debunkers are selling their bodies for money.

Most men fail to debunk and have to work 12 hours a day just to support a small family.

The amount of people debunking in today's debunkomatic society are extremely small.

It is a complete failure and must be abolished.

Debunked by reddit my fellow chud.

It's because it's a socialist society, dumb fuck.

autism isnt a joke, user.

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it's not capitalism, it's the lack of social norms that would just ban things and capitalism would still be functioning.
There are no legalized markets in fresh baby meat, but there are legalized markets in porn and prostitution. It's just a question of WHAT YOU BAN, because you have the angry support of the majority to do so.
Law made by humans decides what can prosper in (regulated) capitalism and what can not.

Fuck you OP. Capitalism made televisions go from 2000 dollars for a big mountain of junk to 500 dollars for a notebook sized 4k beauty.

Every democrat big city is shitty and insanely expensive. New York, Seattle, LA, San Francisco. They all suck.

The south is conservative and the cost of living is affordable.

California sucks and everyone is leaving.

Taxing the rich and giving government more money isn't going to lower my bills.

You want to fix the housing crisis, build more apartment complexes and units... oh wait, its the left and the enviro freaks who don't want to turn the country into a big shopping mall.

just let things be

better whores than commies

bored white women destroy civilizations

You're right OP it is time to try National Socialism again.

it sure ain't comfy, you Russian jews lied to me, maybe Killary had a point when she said FUCKING NUKE RUSSIAN RIGHT FUCKING NOW

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You mean as he sits in his mom's basement. Most millennials and genz will never afford a home of their own, or really any kind of serious ownership of anything. Unless you count a plastic screen as a serious asset.

where is the video of a big stinky brown poo log coming out of her silken rubbery anus? Thx.

Already debunked kid


Where is there capitalism? China and the US have comparable economic models.

Only bigger government and less freedom can save us all from totally annihilation.

Women have always sold their bodies for money.

Everyone in the west is rich, by historical standards and by global standards today everyone is extremely rich, the rate of absolute wealth which is how much stuff you can afford has skyrocketed for everyone, including the poor. It's just that it has skyrocketed for all the wealth providers a lot more than everyone else, relative wealth inequality has risen a lot, but that's only a relative metric, it's not an absolute metric, by absolute metrics we're all rich as fuck, even the lowest 20% of the population are rich as fuck.

You can support a small family easily on a meager wage, it's just you can't do that and cram your life full of all the luxuries you want, basic shelter, food, water is all dirt cheap, what you mean is you can't afford a family and for you to all have iphones and nike sneakers.

It's been the most success system on the planet which is why literally everyone that's outside the western capitalist bubble is trying their absolute hardest to migrate here.

I will admit you young kids are kind of fucked. I got married in 1987, and women were pretty different then. These days, girls don't need men as much.. they can make their own money, they graduate from university more than men, they still have sexual power over men, and they can now use it to make money.. AND.. there is no social stigma associated with any of it.


Please. Try.

who is this semen demon?

no you idiot. This is a consequence of commoditising that which should not have an objective monetary assessment. It was your Marxist cuckery that lead to it. Sex should not be on the free market, and this is why even in many ultra capitalist nations, the wisdom of this principle was recognised and prostitution made illegal. If the legislative framework were formed today, even pornography would be illegal, in fact, any women who posts sexual material that is then easily accessible to minors (and not a leak or whatever) deserves to face criminal charges. Then again, I'm not a capitalist, so what do I care. You are worse than any capitalist though. At least in capitalist Zionism, the majority of people don't have to worry about starving to death

please stop LARPING. No one even takes you seriously anymore, you need a new thing.

>Yes and he's also responsible for hundreds of thousands of transactions and deliveries at incredible speeds every single day
I don't know about that, except in the past tense, and in an abstract way.
If Jeff Bezos croaked this second, Amazon would keep on ticking without missing a beat. The spice must flow.

But is it good for you!?

It wasn't real capitalism, real capitalism has never been tried

>>oldest profession

This is a leftist atheist cope.
The oldest professions are warrior and priest

it's strange how the problems listed by OP always have the same solution. Take away everyone's private property and ability to defend themselves.

Gym thots never skip leg day but instead have the opposite problem where they never do upper-body exercises.

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So we should get rid of those things which capitalism encourages.

Move to North Korea then.

Get all of your co-ethnics to move to the fucking desert (or Madagascar) so we can be rid of this stuff.

COMMUNISM is built on lies. CAPITALISM is cruel and it will break your back, but its truthful.

>Women are selling their bodies for money.
oh no, this is completely unheard of!

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