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It’s over
Jace Taylor
Other urls found in this thread:
Nolan Evans
Hunter Ross
Caleb Lee
debunked, jack
Charles Hernandez
Completely Krassenbunked
Evan Diaz
My sources at Reddit have confirmed this as true
Jacob Flores
Anyone remember The Omarasa N-word tape that was supposed to come out before the midterms? What happened to that, huh? Here's a hint: It never existed, and neither does this.
William Taylor
going to be a deep fake
Nathan Rodriguez
I'm surprised no one has deepfaked a Trump tape at this point.
Bentley Cruz
omg it leaked already!
Eli Davis
Nintendo already debunked this. I just asked my dad.
Jacob Fisher
Jaxson Lopez
I think it was Omarosa who claimed she had a recording of trump saying nigger too. Its too bad everybody didn't call her out on her bullshit.
Jason Parker
Liam Richardson
I now identify as a black jewish POC of color lesbian woman that is attracted to white women
Charles Foster
Debunkered into my pantaloons. Must change my genes, brb.
Xavier Morales
I hope this happens but people still elect him, leading to all leftists killing themselves and niggers finally giving up on their eternal quest for proximity to white people.
Easton Reyes
>>It's too bad everybody didn't call her out on her bullshit
You brits and your crazy slang. Can't you just say debunked like everyone else.
Noah Gomez
>anonymous sources
Brayden Edwards
why are britards like this
Josiah Cook
Her eyes bruh
Connor Scott
Hey, I’ve seen this one before
Charles Gonzalez
Brayden Jenkins
This post again
Blake Bailey
This has been debunked by reply to this post or your mom will die in her sleep tonight
Joseph Turner
Jace Thomas
it will be a made up recording
software can emulate anyone's voice very easily, Mark Dice predicted this in a video last year.
Asher James
CNN. Right. Was that before of after Trump violated a kitten and executed a black lesbian transgender?
Camden Robinson
the comments on these are so pathetic
>b-but it was just a quote
the guy who owned papa johns lost his company due to quoting nigger, and leftists were the ones who cheered it
Aiden Evans
Wyatt Turner
>listening to Jews
What is this? The 90's?
Levi Gonzalez
Holocaust debunked
Owen Hughes
Easton Cruz
Talking brown
Mason Hill
If I remember right it did come out, it was just Trump talking about the country of Niger
Jayden Russell
At this point I assume anything they accuse Trump of doing Biden or some democrat actually did it.
Austin Johnson
>CNN says that someone maybe related to the WH might have a tape of Trump
Is this satire?
Oliver Ross
Make me like him even more
Luke Brooks
Who the fuck uses tapes anymore?
Jordan Phillips
Wyatt Lewis
he was actually talking about the country 'Niger' on that tape lol
Brayden Sullivan
Now just hold on, fat
back in my day, I use to run with one bad dude. Jiffypop Jackson was this dude's name. You got that, slick? Okay, now that we have that straight, what was I saying again?
Benjamin Flores
That was totally unbelievable. Wasn't him making that exact point? There must have been something else behind it.
Joseph Rogers
Lincoln Jackson
already debunked
Parker Lopez
Is she a troll? I can't tell anymore.