Why do all Trumptards actively ignore this 100% factually correct proof, but fall for every dumb shit-tier conspiracy. Is this a low IQ thing?
Trump on the Epstein island flying logs
um no sweetie this has been debunked
Debunked my dude
snoped and debunkedpilled
Ah, I see low IQ memes Q.E.D.
Jesus, who wrote this, a kindergartner?
No.. Zig Forums actually debunked this.. a long time ago
OK, any proofs?
americans have the shittiest handwritting and they even struggle to write in arial
It's been debunked swetiee. Snopes told me so!
Nah, man... Ask Zig Forums, I’m only crashing on the couch..
>Trump is on one flight, palm beach to NYC
>Bill Clinton is on 28 flights, all to pedo island
So, does this make Trump less of a pedophile?
The proofs were also debunked.
Pedophilia has been debunked, have you not seen the studies?
flight from Miami to NYC
Those debunks were Deebunked
Yes? He hitched a ride once on the plane back to NYC.
Clinton flew many, many times all of them to the lolita island.
D+B= Debunked
My dad works at snopes and I’m on the phone to him right now to debunk this
>does the fact that he's not a pedophile make him less of a pedophile
Yes? Are you retarded? Show your flag you fucking leaf.
already debonked by snoop
Why do half of the anti-Trump posts use meme flags? You from Europe bro?
IQ has been debunked by top Israeli scientists.
pol debunked it
Snoops debunked it because it was a conspiracy not worth investigating
Doesn't matter, since that has been debunked already by sources familiar with the thinking of those allegedly involved.
How else can black people stand a chance?
Shut the fuck up you sage faggot.