
The National Party *Edition

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the night was clere though i slept i seen it. though i slept i seen the calm hierde naht only the still. when i gan down to sleep all was clere in the land and my dreams was full of stillness but my dreams did not cepe me still
when i woc in the mergen all was blaec though the night had gan and all wolde be blaec after and for all time. a great wind had cum in the night and all was blown then and broc.
none had thought a wind lic this colde cum for all was blithe lifan as they always had and who will hiere the gleoman when the tales he tells is blaec who locs at the heofon if it brings him regn who locs in the mere when there seems no end to its deopness
none will loc but the wind will cum. the wind cares not for the hopes of men
the times after will be for them who seen the cuman
the times after will be for the waecend

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Fuck this planet desu

Thread theme:

First for Carol Kirkwood's milkers

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was Disraeli (sephardi) as big a cunt as the ashkenazi?

Yet we wait the day of waking!
But the grave its counsel keeps:
Still within his Hall of Waiting,
With his warriors King Arthur sleeps.

May the N*rmans and their bastard king suffer for all time.

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based and waecend

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Coronavirus gold command contemplating ordering all Greg's to shut nationwide.

Do it, push the norf past breaking point and see what happens.

Starting to unironically side with the anti-maskers lads

What took you so long?

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Enjoy your freedom.
Take a deep breath mate.

Same lad tbqhwy

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Met a Karen, did you?


Fuck I was enjoying that little discussion in the other thread. Where were we.... Before people started calling each other glowniggers when I asked what should read for history on the UK?

His time approaches

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Is it going to kick off tomorrow in London?

Start with Bede

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>I have persecuted the natives of England beyond all reason.
>Whether gentle or simple I have cruelly oppressed them; many I unjustly disinherited; innumerable multitudes perished through me by famine or the sword
>I fell on the English of the northern shires like a ravening lion.
>I commanded their houses and corn, with all their implements and chattels, to be burnt without distinction, and great herds of cattle and beasts of burden to be butchered whenever they are found.
>In this way I took revenge on multitudes of both sexes by subjecting them to the calamity of a cruel famine, and so became a barbarous murderer of many thousands, both young and old, of that fine race of people.
>Having gained the throne of that kingdom by so many crimes I dare not leave it to anyone but God.
>The deathbed confession of William the Bastard

And don't forget
>dispossessed the true nobility, many of who fled and became mercenaries ratehr than face the humiliations William brought
>couldn't even rule for a few years without ANglo-saxon noble and peasant alike trying to rebel against him
>nearly destroyed the language of the Old English, and relegated it's speakers to second-class citizens for centuries
>ended the traditions of the Saxon Nobility, replacing it with a possessive and foreign system from the French
>is the sole reason for centuries of animosity and countless dead between France and England
>he stole an french commoners' land for his burial site
he truly was the foulest king to have ever been, God save the old Britons and the Anglo-Saxons.

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Probably, we all know what the blacks are like by now.


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Not even a historian.

what's happening tomorrow?

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Big Dick Andy is going to free the norf

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We are going to give the EU are fish aren't we?

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For God sake Tim use a fucking knife and fork you animal

No, we'll keep the fish and give them everything else.

It's very likely yes.

BUF is the most interesting any good links or pdfs?

I made a post about their guys getting tortured and fake executed in a mental home during WW2 until mosley made a legal case.

Well chuds? Going to apologise now?

I'm sorry we have hanged everyone in Westminster yet.

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kek, those naughty ruskies

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Not my area of expertise I'm afraid, but I'd like to know more also.
I'm more of a medievalist.

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For the low low price of £9,000 a year

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>their guys getting tortured and fake executed in a mental home during WW2 until mosley made a legal case.
BUF blackshirts were interned under Defence Regulation 18B on the Isle of Mann.

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Imagine paying 9k without the fun of going clubbing and shagging student birds

Oswald Moseley was a member of the Fabian Society. Ffs. Aren't people even trying anymore?

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A soapy tit wank from Carol would be nice.

Anti lockdown march so probably nothing expect police provoking a few boomers

Aldi have a cleaner that guarantees to kill Corona virus. I also am perturbed by the world seemingly forgetting that SLS and vit c inactivates viruses. All very strange that Kleenexes antiviral tissues disappeared from existence the year before Corona sars2 virus was released into the wild. An award winning product tipped to drastically reduce transmission of the common cold. Zip gone vanished.

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