Where has the triple parenthesis gone? Seeing posters highlighting (((them))) all over twitter is what redpilled me.
Is it auto-censored on most platforms now because of ADL pressure?
Seems like it went from being everywhere to nowhere overnight,
Triple Parenthesis
Other urls found in this thread:
>Where has the triple parenthesis gone
Did you really think they would tolerate an identifier like that?
jewtube, faceberg, and twatter started automatically censoring triple parenthesis
Trips decide the new triple parenthesis.
yup. and you dont need them on chans since people openly name kikes here
we can invent a new dogwhistle.
I use :^) because it looks like a big kike nose
Why do ``they`` have to ban everything?
Go back to where you came from, newfag.
As if they would allow people to know that 99.9% of everything they see read and hear was controlled by them
■black saturn square■
alt+254 if you're a newfag
jjj rolling jjj
If you post a YouTube comment with them ((())) your comment is hidden from others to see. Twatter and faceberg literally banned me years ago so I cannot say about this, but I'm sure it's just the same. These Jewish organisations take control of any place goyim talk openly and make sure that the speech there is by Semitic standards. Like Twitch f.ex; nobody knows the moderators there, even the streamers and people working in Twitch are in the dark of who they are. How much you want to bet it's "outsourced" to a Jewish company, much like Russia Today did with their "comment section" after goys started exposing them too much and pissing on the commies there
shut it down
>glowie looking for a new subtle,text based jew-identifier
Good luck figuring out how we call them out nowadays...
someone post the chrome extension link
††† rogg an rollin' †††
It's not about identifying them you sperg, anybody with 2 brain cells to rub together can do that.
It's about creating pattern recognition that is recognisable to normies without saying 'ITS DA JOOS'
a lot of registered accounts ate using the triple parentheses in their profile.
OP is one of (((them)))
it is a definition in old "abc" reports for "the chosen ones"
look it up!! not kidding
the beginning
Can you provide a source on that ? Because its actually been debunked
$$$ $$$
and now they distract
its top right corner in the pic:
>>(C) With information for which
nondisclosable confidential treatment
is requested clearly identified by
means of triple brackets (except when
submission of such document is with-
held in accord with paragraph (b)(4) of
this section); and (v) A nonconfidential copy of the doc-
uments as required by § 201.8(d).
(4) The submission of the documents
itemized in paragraph (b)(3) of this sec-
tion will provide the basis for rulings
on the confidentiality of submissions,
including rulings on the confidentiality
of submissions offered to the Commis-
sion which have not yet been placed
under the possession, control, or cus-
tody of the Commission. The submitter
has the option of providing the busi-
ness information for which confidential
treatment is sought at the time the
documents itemized in paragraph (b)(3)
of this section are provided or of with-
holding them until a ruling on their
confidentiality has been issued.