If you're not from here, are you actually white?
Relevance Ranking (Official)
This chart was already debunked tho
Seriously tho I couldn't name 4 flags it if I tried who tf made this
Who debunked it? And what's wrong with it?
> I couldn't name 4 flags
Whew. Just goes to show what has happened to Italians.
> Tier 1
England, France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Russia
> Tier 2
Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden
> Tier 3
Poland, Hungary, Austria, Denmark, Switzerland
AEIOU on top.
Hail to Liechtenstein
Greece should be tier 3, and Denmark should not be on any tier. Otherwise it looks good.
Retarded. A Dane invented the speaker.. A thing you use all the time. And that's just one thing.
>Whew. Just goes to show what has happened to Italians.
For me it only shows how retarded this stupid fucking nigger is and if he were an actual Zig Forums poster he would have learned at least 15 flags by now.
>turkey not even on the list
pathetic and debunked
>No burgerflag in the image
Good bait.
post your famous picture more
>Who debunked it
Litteraly everyone, it's 2020,wake up
Many of us are dual and multinationals.
>Austria not tier 1
It has been debunked by independent fact checkers
Sorry Satan, there aren't any colored people of color in Daneland and niggers invented everything
>european countries
Fucking hell you fat shit, did the kikes stop learning you to read?
the fact that you put austria in tier 4 tells me that you have no clue whatsoever about european history. germanys and austrias histories are literally the same until 1870.
Damn, only caught one.
you have to go back, mehmet
All human life began in Africa. Light skin is a mutation.
He's not wrong
swedes literally didnt do anything except for that charles guy. rest of its history is eating fish
Gustavus Adolphus killing krauts
>historical relevance
They went from major global superpower to smelly brown island backwater in a few decades. Sad!
Why is greece tier 1? They're not Byzantium or Athens, come on now
>Austria not on tier 1
>Greece not on tier 2
>Sweden not on tier 3
>Switzerland not on tier -10
Come on now OP, that's just wrong.
>"European" Countries
>European countries
>not alabania 2.0
>Thinks it's relevant at any point in history
Show flag Pekka (or Magnus —Norwegians have become more butthurt than Finns lately so you never know anymore).
>niggerlands tier 2
>austria tier 3
Tõmba oksa end selle we wuz läänekad pasaga ja mine ime rootsi munni
Now when you say "white" what exactly do you mean by that?