Seriously, what the hell happened while I was sleeping? What's going on?

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All of Zig Forums has been DEBUNKED.
Reddit finally won.

Snopes has debunked the concept of sleep.

Morons are being morons. Ignore them.

yeah okay asshole you're fucking debunked

Reddit/bunkerchan raided Zig Forums (but it's been debunked)
Zig Forums made it a meme (also debunked)

Just some more gay and forced bullshit.

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I'm with you on this one. I get the notion that the woman at Trump's townhall threw around the word debunked, and now its a retarded meme.

All of that bunked stuff you thought was true
turned out to be baseless conspiracy theories
Go back to sleep

It has been debunked by independent fact checkers

Zig Forums got debunked by the jidf. Its fucking over

It's the new Harry Potter spell.


Our patience has its limits

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we got debunked, bros. how do we recover.

jesus christ what the fuck

Ya'll, I looked into this, and its shonky all over. From the details of the repair man, to the actual emails, to the time line. Its really unreliable. I am someone that does not doubt that Hunter Biden cashed in on his fathers name, but I also have noted that not one accusation of illegality has been proven, and let's remember the FBI has this so called proof since the end of last year and its been silent. Its just full of holes. Its frustrating that each side seems to be so caught up in point scoring that they are full on misrepresenting the truth.


We know you are making these threads, leftypol.


all of you have been , please stop spreading already debunked debunks

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We're the snopes now

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reddit brigading

Not sure whether to fap to your webm or mine first

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2020 is peak gay that's what

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I enjoy your digits, however let's not forget that the FBI was complicit and hid shit for 4 years.

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I’m assuming they said it a lot in the debate last night

everything is debunked now

>et's remember the FBI has this so called proof since the end of last year and its been silent. Its just full of holes
Didn't stop them releasing clearly fabricated evidence about Trump in 2016. Fuck them, push this shit as hard as possible. Fucking hypocrites.

Not at all shaky.
Repair dude does whatever professional computer replace does when they get a computer with CP on it.
He contacted FBl.
The new drop by NYPOst today is just highlighting how pathetic hunter is. Sad self pitying crap on his laptop.
They also mentioned that they have 25k including porn that they wont be releasing.
It's all real and since burisma apparently got a lot their money from dirty sources and were headquartered in dark money haven, hunter and his dad knew about it, they're going down. Unless Biden gets elected, pardons his idiot son, then steps down and kamala pardons him.

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Ya'll, I looked into this, and its shonky all over. Let's unpack this, famalam. From the details of the repair man, to the actual emails, to the time line. Its really unreliable and debunked at this point. Not one accusation of illegality has been proven, and let's remember the FBI has this so called proof since the end of last year and its been silent. This is just full of holes. Its frustrating that each side seems to be so caught up in point scoring that they are full on misrepresenting the truth.

What is wrong with their pussies?

It's trannies doing tranny shit. Much like our incel brothers they too have no lives and can spend hours pushing forced memes to feel better about their lowly station in life.

I can never get hard again you fucking cunt

i debunk your digits

chekt and debunked.

Is he /ourguy/? This spicy kikel can debunk 275 false claims per minute

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Mods being worthless retards as usual

Not sure.
But before I went to bed last night, a pic was posted by the left, claiming to be one of the pics on the Hunter Biden laptop. They then went on to "debunk" it, as per their plan.
This is to cast doubt on any other pics that might have been leaked, and the emails on the laptop in general.
The pic they posted was from a home-made porn, so it would be easy to debunk.

But they fucked up a little, spamming pleb bit with the word "debunked" until it...apparently...has now become a joke.

Anyway, that's my take on it.

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sorry bro your debunk just got debunked by its debunks debunks debunk.

That debunkation has already been debunked ausfag

statement debunked COMPLETELY by teams of scientists

No it's not debunked. Burisma is headquartered in the unholy mother of all dark money places, limmasol cyrpus. Hunter is on video stating he knew more about it than anyone. his arrogant father bragged about getting rid of prosecutor who wanted to after burisma. They're both FARGO level dumb and overly cocky.

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both FARGOS have been debunked already !

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they were debunked

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I fucking hate this site

If you debunk my post you are gay

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