Europe is definitely riding with Biden. How can the rest of the world be wrong when literally every country that matters is anti-Trump?
Europe wants Trump to lose
It’s so bad they even think UN poll watchers might be needed here just like when they’re needed for elections in developing nations. This just looks so bad and embarrassing.
there's no way denmark is that gay. unreliable poll
Sorry but these images have long been debunked
Unreliable? Hardly. It’s YouGov not some eceleb twitter poll. Plus, you’re in Sweden. The difference between Denmark and Sweden is like New York vs Alabama.
This was debunked months ago
it's almost an even split between positive/neutral/negative answers. don't read too much into it. of course it won't be completely fair because of the mail in ballots issues, biased media and big tech censorship etc
>he still believes polls
i thought you shills learned last election
>cuck nations want the cuck to win
anyone can sign up for yougov. i didn't even get polled. they must've selected grannies and shitlibs
this graph doesn't mean anything, it's the same shit everywhere in europe
Took a taxi in Denmark once and the driver was genuinely excited for Hillary. This was in 2015.
Cletus, need I remind you Western Europe has higher rates of college education and overall culture?
Europe doesn't exist
It was debunked months ago asshole
It has been debunked by independent fact checkers
Also europe is brainwahsed by globohomo kike media harder than you think.
In Sweden 93% of people believe in the holobunga for example.
who cares about some silly eurocucks
As a European I can confirm this.
reporting on trump is even more one sided in EU than it is in america.
there's no fox equivalent.
Tbh i want USA to find a descent president, you have 331 million people to choose from, Trump or Biden CANT be the best choises.
She's got that chicken drumstick ass
Yes because Trump = america first not globalism first. Globalism means equalizer aka us looses more and other gain more.
>implying any country other than America matters
So faggotry and communism?
Europe doesn't know anything about America
Sky News is the European version of Fox News. You have Piers Morgan who is the European version of Tucker Carlson.
also yougov stopped doing monthly swedish politics polling because they overcorrected to shill for SD so a newspaper stopped hiring them
Well US (((rulers))) like Israel too
Source: YouGov
do people even know what this is? those are online surveys... a survey of probably 100-1000 people who live in cities.
European newspapers, even conservative ones, follow what CNN tells them. I was looking at some Spanish newspapers and couldn't see anything about Hunter Biden. The biggest conservative newspaper only had something saying that social media was limiting the distribution of a questionable story about Biden's son. Of course people will want Biden to win, they get a really pozzed view of reality. It was the same during Bush and then Obama time. Republican = everything is bad. Democrat = Everything is fine and justifiable.
sky news australia is pretty based but there's nothing like that in europe
Because our media is also brainwashing the people, our biggest news channels in Sweden is incredibly biased and hate Trump. They say they are neutral but they were rooting for Hillary in the last US election, and they are rooting for Biden in this one.
How desperate are you that you have to bring up ridiculously old fake news that has been thoroughly debunked by independent fact checkers, the BBC and Snopes?
I am embarrassed for you OP.
this was already debunked
he's anti sjw but toothless on general politics
This has already been debunked.
Congratulations. You sat in a room and acquired a piece of paper. I didn’t go to college and I still make 5x the average europoor.
Trump might be the best possible candidate who is capable of avoiding an outright assassination.
this, and i didn't even get asked
>You have Piers Morgan who is the European version of Tucker Carlson.
Piers is a flip-flopping cuck, don't you ever dare to use his name in the same sentence with Tucker
Who gives a shit about what a bunch of suicidal euros think? Especially when Trump continually forces them to pull their own weight.
Honestly America, I thought you were better than that.