Society is beyond fucked

This is the mentality of millions of young girls. Particularly gen z. They are the ones who are most susceptible to the brainwashing. Instagram and social media is a cancer. One opinion can be treated as gospel only because its voiced well or it has a lot of likes. 8000 people agreed with this psychopath. Over 8000 people thought that killing a child is actually more moral than letting it live in the dreaded Foster care because god forbid it has a rough upbringing. Simply not existing is better than a harsh life right? These are the same faggots who post all the infographics during mental health awareness week or whatever the fuck "UhOhh no
don't kill Yourself 11! 1!1" people don't actually care about human life anymore its all a farce. Feminism is the woman equivalent of nazism. At least the nazis had some morals. Women are being brainwashed into hating men and especially white ones. To the point that killing a man's child is actually seen as heroic and moral. Holy shit you cannot make this up. Can't wait for abortion to be "enforced" boys

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nothing personal foster child, I just debunked your existence.

t. cytanium


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killing is wrong
and life is pain

this is the paradox all strong-hearted people endure. we should not kill those who cannot bear this burden, but it was wrong that we eliminated the games that would eliminate them.

You guys really unironically discuss other people being brainwashed here huh?
Without even a hint of self reflection?
Well ok lol *rolls up sleeves*

Snopes says your wrong, you have been DEBUNKED

>unpopular opinion

Keep in mind, most of those 8000 people are bots, ie, not real people

>Liberals of reddit, name an unpopular opinion you have
>left wing talking point
>1 million upvotes
>”omg so brave”
Reddit was a mistake.

This was debunked by /h/

Foster child lives matter

That's right. We only discuss truth. There's no brainwashing going on. No lying. Lies get called out and debunked. Progressives are the ones that lie and have to censor and threaten people to maintain the lies.

They'll come around. People just spout whatever fucking nonsense to fit in and not be shamed by others.


Liberal women are satanic witches. It's even worse than liberal "men".

There should be a forced abortion reverse lottery for whites. When you go to the obgyn the woman will have to pull a lever, if she loses then it’s unfortunate but necessary to keep the whites in check

As a man the way we fight back against psychotic, devilish feminism is; if you do have a baby with a woman and the woman tries to leave you or use your baby as a bargaining chip, you do everything you pull out all the stops in order to keep that baby.
You’re a man so you work a job and the only jobs are the wage slave kind right now: you wage slave at that job and you find another woman, an old woman any woman you can to help you with that baby you hold the bitch at gun point to do it. You guilt her you ask her nicely whatever it takes. If it’s your mom you use her. You ask her not to engage with the young baby maker woman.
When the courts and the Shultz tries to separate you you fight back show up every day. Tell your white boss what is happening. Spend whatever you can get whatever you can and NEVER let go of that baby. Turn the baby in to a man and if the mom calls you, embrace it if she holds you up then erase her

No. Men know better.

Im with you, op. Don't worry, God has a plan.

>women are retarded
So what else is new?

Killing has been debunked Snopes said babies aren't actually people, and governor Northham said he will keep them comfortable until they become jewish beauty products.

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You don’t need condoms or a poison pill. Women can literally only become pregnant 2-3 days a month. THAT IS IT.

You can fuck like sub Saharans in San Francisco and just take a break the few days after her period. You can jizz in her to your hearts content as long as she isn’t ovulating.

Read a fucking biology book you retards. Keep your dick in your pants for 3 days a month and never worry.

All trauma should be replaced with murder

You need to look up what the Foster Care system actually does because one thing it doesn't do is take care of babies. The system is set up so that newborns always get adopted, the waiting list is so long that most couples who want to adopt a newborn can't get one. Foster Care is for kids whose parents have lost custody and parental rights, their lives are fucked up because they literally have been raised by criminals.

>into hating men and especially white ones

While leftist women talk shit about hating whites, they will abort children of any race.

Anyway, these sluts don't care about the child suffering or not, the "I don't want him to live in a foster home" is a bullshit narrative which means "I don't want to take any kind of responsibility or not being able to fuck 100 chads a week for some time"

>Simply not existing is better than a harsh life right?
Think about it this way. The kind of people that agree with this sentiment are porobably people that grew up in these foster systems. They grew up and became the vile immoral twats they are now. Do you really oppose them preventing more people like them being born?

Abortion is unironically a good thing, especially considering black children make up the majority of those that are aborted
In fact the abortion rate is the only thing that’s stopped niggers from overwhelming us in sheer demographics. Now we just need to encourage spics to start aborting their kids too

that is what im thinking. just to get the oul propah'ganda up to the top of the comments.

*rolls up sleeves*
*starts masturbating intensely whilist watching BBC porn*
*whole arm goes into butthole*

Everyone should just turn off your social media for a month. Too many russian chinese and glowie bots to know what is real. I am watching CSPAN and talking to people outside to get unfiltered political theatre.


Eugenics? Based.

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>well ok lol
Get your disgusting reddit rhetoric out of here you shit eater nigger mongrel.

>if you don't think like the leftist goblins on tv tell you to think then you are brainwashed
>if you don't throw away centuries of knowledge for the sake of what the tv and internet people say then you are brainwashed

Actually this got debunked by snoakes

>8000 people thought that killing a child is actually more moral than letting it live in the dreaded Foster care
lets not even bring up the possibility of them keeping their legs closed at this point.
Just assume all of them have lost it by the time they are a legal option for marriage.