are there any experts who can verify this information?
Is the sky actually blue
No, it's already been debunked.
Looks gray out here, can not confirm. Can anyone debunk a gray sky?
It has been debunked by independent fact checkers
The sky is not blue, it absorbs all other wave lengths of light, so only blue remains.
No it's only because of some weird optical effect from sunlight hitting the atmosphere at a particular angle, the gas itself is transparent
the sky is indeed blue as beyond the firmament is water and below the firmament is water
>as above so below
black space has been debunked
Gonna have to go ahead and debunk you on that one
That has been debunked, it depends on the angle of irradiation.
Occams razor.
Leftists can't relate.
Nether can they disprove.
They do mutter debunked like a homeless wog drunk on methylated spirits tho. Quite a lot today.
Sky actually has no color.
Debunked its black
actually everyone might see colors differently which you would know if you browsed r/science
so this is a PANTS ON FIRE lie on the truth-o-meter and thus debunked
It's black
mole people confirmed
q predicted this
holy shit a blue sky just flew over my house.
Black is merely absence of color. Black isn't real. Debunked.
>definitely politics related
Use Google. Holy fuck
>google is a reliable source of information
Subsequent debunk imminent by dependant falsehood checkers
duck duck go then
It's yellow and venus is poisoning us. Debunked
Owned by kikes. Debunked.
Right wing conspiracy theory.
The sky has no color, you are seeing the blue light spectrum from the sun reflecting off of particles in our atmosphere.
The sky has no color, you are seeing the blue light spectrum from the sun reflecting off of particles in our atmosphere
>you are seeing the blue light spectrum
You might as well say that the sky is blue you fucking pseudo-intellectual faggot
Scattering off gases mostly. Scattering off particles actually makes the sky redder
It's whatever color doesn't get mostly filtered by the atmosphere by the sun depending on time of day, position on earth, and weather if the clouds are taking up the majority of your view of the sky.
White supremacy.
>by the sun
radiated from the sun