Voting obviously makes no difference. Theres only ONE NATIONAL CREDIT CARD and it gets passed between the blue ties and the red ties. Both have the same rules. Both have the same ability to enact change - ZERO.
Pol is now 90% shills spamming voting threads making it a legit issue among "the isolated alternative" political community.
If you vote for ANYONE IN THE SYSTEM you are admitting you need a parent to look after you and you are their bitch. You cannot complain about FUCK ALL for 4 years because YOU ELECTED A REPRESENTATIVE TO SPEAK FOR YOU.
True, all Biden's and Trumps' kids are married to jews, Harris is married to one too, and Pence is an evangelical zionist. America is literally uniparty, the Israel Party
>Still voting trump. The "Dumb Americans" stereotype exists for a reason and you're proof of it.
Aaron Bell
21 trillion in debt. But go ahead and keep thinking the system has players on your side.
Oliver Bailey
350 miles of easily breakable metal poles
Camden Myers
I don't like October surprises. Trump had the ability to act on a timely basis. Why didn't he? Is the FBI still that untrustworthy or is it forever taboo to investigate political elites?
No need to call it a conspiracy.. It's more of a Mexican standoff.
Camden Lee
This just got debunked, im voting Trump now instead of not voting.
Robert Miller
>Voting obviously makes no difference. For once OP is not a faggot.
Sorry shill but this has been debunked by numerous instances of kike shilling on Zig Forums
Samuel Martinez
I remember being 16 too OP The acne Drivers ED Shitty weed
The constant urge to fap on everything Being mad at my mom for catching me fapping Fapping on my mom's dead body You'll get through it bud, hang in there
Look at them crawl out of the woodwork to seethe at 4 words. Fpbp, Britfags need to be purged from the board for good. brit/pol/ can stay though I guess
Jaxson Collins
Not just America, but Canada, UK, Australia, Europe, every single country basically.
Lucas Thomas
Yeah, and your teeth are probably all fucked up and retarded
Caleb Hughes
>lol puppet a is better >NOOO PUPPET B IS BETTER >FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT but at the end of the show the puppet master is still in charge
Jayden Flores
Debunked. Even if voting makes no difference, vote for Trump. Because it is better than not and puts his votes up by 1. And don't pull this "Dur Trump luv Israel." Would you rather be ridin' the JoePedo like Major Kong.
Samuel Foster
thanks for the blogpost. Still voting Trump though
Adam Sanchez
we're not seething we're laughing our heads off
You're Australian
Hudson Hughes
Fuck off nu/pol/
David Richardson
This. Western democracies are just fronts for judeo Masonic control.
Hudson Bell
>"KEK" the shill said is an authentic and organic voice how's it going chink blue? how much sawdust did you have to put into your breakfast so that you'd feel satiated? i hope this post gets you to the premium noodle milestone that you desperately need for sunday dinner
Wyatt Jackson
I'd rather he fucking lose and all of you faggots that refused to hold him accountable and question him over his puppet status scream bloody murder. Sorry, you're actually going to have to fight.
Angel Campbell
Owen James
The young swede coming out of nowhere throwing the large Murican off his game with what I would describe as quite the brutal character assassination
>flag >cannot post without thinking about cuckoldry
Grayson Perry
Agreed. I was going to vote Biden, but it's pointless. Lets be real, Trump will probably win anyway, and if he doesn't, he'll just steal the election with the supreme court now his. Sorry Bidenbro's, I know you agree with me...