If multiculturalism is wrong, why are countries like US, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland are better than Japan...

If multiculturalism is wrong, why are countries like US, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland are better than Japan, Saudi Arabia, poland and South Korea?

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Sorry, that's already been debunked.

This has been debunked

what metrics are you using?

>multiculturalism is wrong
quit being antisemetic

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who says they are?

That was unironically debunked a long time ago.



How? Stop memeing

Sure mutt, you are best country in the world.
Don't forget to kneel before your nigger and hooknose masters.

are they?

Those countries became first world when they were not multicultural. Since multiculturalism they have only sunk further.

Well those countries are better because of the white people in it, the shitskins are being carried on the backs of whites.

Also, Sweden better than Japan? Doubt. Id rather live in Poland tham here, a country being better isn't just about money.

By what metric?

Better economics condition and liberty

They are not

Whar about safety, community, culture, pride, etc? A country being slightly richer than another is only one of the factors.

Liberty? USA and Sweden should at least not be there, neither should Sweden. We have online left wing groups that hunt for elderly people who write "racist" things online. Lol. Muh freedom & democracy

That's the dumbest thing putting Poland and Japan with the other third world shitholes.

Stop falling for bait slide threads, you stupid nu/pol/ faggots.


>Economic conditions is that all matters
Enjoy being stabbed by niggers

>economic conditions
Japan and saudi arabia are not really poor countries and the immense majority of wealth of the USA and west Europe is in the hands of you know who, not in the people's.

As if anything worth of discussing is posted here anyway.
Imagine trying to defend this filter and redditridden shitsite

user at this point theyre not. Look at the rioting, looting, mass shootings and racial violence

>why are countries like US, Canada, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland are better than Japan, Saudi Arabia, poland and South Korea?
because they're not.
sweden's economy is tanking, it is deindustrialized and has no jobs
America is suffering the same shit
I dont care about canada, i kind of love watching them suffer into obscurity.

Japan, Saudi Arabia, poland and South Korea
They are somewhat deindustrialized but they still retain some elements of their former industry (control th means of their own production in commie-speak).
You can measure a countrys worth in what they produce, the west produces nothing so we're heading straight into the fucking bottom of the barrel.
Asia has taken over all industries because globalists wanted to make a buck so they sold the rights to the industries our ancestors built with their own hands and will now restrict competition under the guise of enviornment protection and anti polution.

>Green arrow go up
>Degeneracy go up


lol, who the fuck cares. They grabbed all they could. They forced other EU counties to give up their industries and kept their own.
No sympathy for germs. Bunch of fucking liars.

They're not a part of EU and has managed to steer clear of most of the globalization crap but they are also slowly descending into chaos as politicians impoverish them at the behest of the global investors.

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because multiculturalism has been slowling ruining them?

japan has no crime

If you think "being better" is more important for a country than the happines of its people you deserve to suffocate on an overdose of nigger-dick in a rancid public loo.

Also: better in what? Be more specific

...are you on crack?

>better than japan
lmao you are a fucking retarded nigger

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Because when the US was founded, multiculturalism meant multi-European cultures, primarily. With some darkies as animal labor.
Now it means importing street-shitters, goat-fuckers, and jungle niggers who have zero historic skill in engineering, sciences, or anything of use.

Is that africa?

>why are countries like US, Canada, Sweden are better than Japan, Saudi Arabia, poland and South Korea?


How's the weather in Tel Aviv this morning?

Not at all, you fucking moron.
lmao. They have a whole serf class or slave class over there comprised of poos, pakis, ethiopians, malays, etc.
They are slavs. Dont expect too much
>South Korea
This is also false. Higher suicide rates =/= better