These are the people who thought that a wrestling parody of Trump kicking CNN's ass was real
Bentley Walker
Carter Rodriguez
lol small dick incel imagine writing this huge strawman ad hominem
Isaiah Clark
Wouldn’t Eugene Gu, a short chink, statistically have a smaller penis than a 6’3 German?
Adrian Cook
sorry user, debunked by independent fact checkers
Ian Rivera
This was debunked on Maddow last night.
>Its current year you really need to keep up on your debunkings.
John Anderson
OP btfo
Nolan Moore
>small dick incel
Jonathan Bell
I have a lot of sage to go around
Jackson Morales
Even the fake news debunked this - L-Mao! China and faggots eternally BTFO!
Chase Martin
Dunked already you stupid feck. Go larp elsewhere and suck a giant bag of unwashed unsalted dicks.