Trump can't win again

He doesn't have the appeal he had in 2016 anymore

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This map has been completely debunked

Fake news and Trumpbunked.

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go back to plebit

Reddit already debunked this

Every time i see a toss up for Ohio i laugh.

Still voting for him

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He has more. The economy took off, we had no wars, no (real) scandals, many world leaders love him. Overall our international relationships are great, except in Europe but that shithole doesn't matter. None of them or all of them would ever consider a war with us.

Same for Florida and Arizona. These people are idiots that would eat a handful of poop from nate silver. When election night comes and trump is looking like the Victor- we will ask them "where is your God now?"

Doesn’t Ohio have 5 major metropolitan areas? Awful lotta liberals.

Trump is up in the polls right meow, your map is debunked, mkay sweaty? Trump will win and it will be glorious. His appeal is still there, if not stronger since everyone who was afraid he'd deport all the nonwhites and start ww3 had their fears put to rest.
>all the swing states blue
you're a fucking idiot and this is why. Trump is winning at least two of the lightly blue colored states.

Even if you think Trump has lost some of his appeal, I don’t think you appreciate the complete and utter lack of enthusiasm people have for Biden and Harris. Say what you will about Clinton/Kaine, the left was EXCITED about supporting that ticket. There is almost no enthusiasm for Biden/Harris.

My 8 year old transgender daughter just debunked this

>He doesn't have the appeal he had in 2016 anymore

This was debunked by the Washington Post in 2014 for national security reasons, anonymous sources say.

Hillary was evil, but a woman.
Biden is currently being unmasked as evil, and not a woman.
he also supports elementary school kids making life changing decisions to their bodies in the name of liberalism, something moderate dems are against.
not a good look!

Checked and kek'd

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Daily reminder:

>MAGA losers squandered 4 years doing nothing but being fat and dining out on the fact that "they won" for once in their lives

>Russia had the US by the balls but when it came time for them to finally capitalize they were too stupid to know how, since they didn't even have a plan initially and just got lucky with US stupidity, so all they ended up doing was uselessly "lul trolling" a country for 4 years

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Your image was thoroughly debunked by snopes last year.

Good god. When does it end.

This post has been so debunked that it's not even a theory anymore. Get with the times user.

Every single one of these maps show Biden winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona AND Wisconsin.
Won’t happen.

This post is rated MOSTLY FALSE.

We don't know whether Joe Biden identifies as a woman. He/she/xe has never stated his/her/xer pronouns.

Given current polling meta-data and early voting returns, this is the map we’re looking at. Trump is crazily going to win despite losing Florida.

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Imagine the blue on that flag is the Democrats, and there are just as many Democrats in this country as GOP

>He doesn't have the appeal he had in 2016 anymore

The appeal Trump had in 2016 was that he was a political outsider who had been both a registered Democrat and Republican in his past. I was hopeful that he would be his own man and do what he thought was best for America regardless of what the Democrats or Republicans thought

But for some reason he decided to turn into a Rush Limbaugh and nobody expected that or nobody would have vote for him in the first place.

Trump’s polling higher in Florida than he was at this time against Clinton. He’ll carry it easily. If Trump carries every other state he carried in 2016 apart from MI, WI, and PA, then he can afford to lose any combination of two of those remaining three and still hit 270.

This map is wrong, Texas should be light blue

Lmao bro not at all. Bernie bros hated Hilary and some voted Trump out of spite, but in this case, they are reluctantly voting Biden because Trump turned out to be garbage

Trump has Florida on lock, just like Trump has his re-election on lock.
It's really a matter of how BTFO will Biden be and, by association, how BTFO the dems will be

This was debunked, by snoopless.

I hope you’re right, but early voting returns show Trump projecting to lose Florida. Let’s hope the polls swing in his favor and there’s hundreds of thousands of Floridians coming out of the swamp and backwoods to vote on the 3rd.

So you would rather a known corrupt possible pedo with alleged fake dementia be president of the us? Trump is the better candidate than the dem psychos who support burning your homes and killing your kids

But democrats have even less appeal, if thats even possible.

I just debunked your post. Nothing personal.

>Pleassseee belllliieeveee myyy naaaarrriiitive

Yes but they always vote liberal. It never helps them. Plus i think a lot of closet Trumpers will come out this year.

If you think Arizona is going blue or that places like Iowa and Ohio are actually in play, your life should be debunked.

Trump isn’t going to win NH